refuse to remain complacent

OOC: WOOT!! This will be fun! >XD

It had always intrigued her, how time seemed to stand still in the midst of a fight. It was as though everything around the participants faded to a muddy background, and all that existed in the world were Kol and her opponent. The latter was the same mangy hybrid she'd faced in the last war, a dark-furred member of Inferni who'd left her with the twin scars that decorated her left eye, as well as countless others hidden along her body beneath her ebony fur. Though she truly believed this war was wrong, and knew better than to assume that all individuals of a certain influence were wholly evil, her current opponent was an exception. Kol had a score to settle with him, and it was one grudge she would not let go of.

It was with a sick joy that she felt her fangs taste the hybrid's blood as she made contact. She'd been lucky that he'd actually stepping into her attack rather than dodged it, in some false belief that her target had actually been Gabriel. Gabriel's fight was with Haku, and that was one battle Kol was willing to let her Rosen fight for himself. Their personal hatred for one another was the very heart of the current conflict, and the war would never until one of the two leaders was dead. Kol's talons grew sticky with her enemy's blood as she latched onto his body, holding on for dear life and tearing as deeply as she could as he suddenly flipped, curshing her for a moment beneath his weight. The dark Dahlian fought for breath as their momentum carried the two apart, and her violet eyes flashed as she glanced over her shoulder just in time to see the male's larger form leaping for her exposed back.

In a movement of desperation, Kol managed to flip herself halfway so that he pinned her beneath him face-to-face, her fangs glistening as she snarled up at him. She put the pain to the back of her frantic mind as the male's claws dug deeply into the flesh of her shoulders and chest. Claws on all four of her limbs fought to find purchase on any part of his underbelly, looking to tear into the soft flesh and weaken him. He was stronger than she could ever hope to be, but adrenaline pumped through her veins like a raging river as her arms attempted to keep his razor-sharp fangs from her neck and face. One thought cut through the rest as she struggled: she had to get him off her somehow or she was dead. She was faster, but he was much stronger, and if he was able to keep her pinned she wouldn't stand a chance.

Table by Tay!


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