A new Life
These lands were new to her, but not too new. She had been onto this continent for a month now, and she had yet to run into a new face. The scent of wolves became overwhelmingly strong since she had come upon the beach, she hoped soon she would come across others. It was driving her crazy being alone like this for so long, her mind was plagued by the thought that she should have stayed at home in Europe. It was too late to turn back now, she was stuck here. A heavy sigh escaped her as her head fell. She sat down upon the beach taking in the sounds of the waters crashing against the shore. It was rather chilly and her paws were starting to feel like they were freezing. Every-so-often she would shiver letting out a small whimper of defiance against the cool cloudy day.

Unknowing to her this place was dubbed Quartz Shore, that fact she could careless about, she was more please with how the smell of salt water refreshed her sinus'. Her unique colored eyes took in the water's horizon as she lifted her head, ears forward. That lasted for only a few seconds as she flicked them back; the small breeze caused her fur to tickle the insides of her ear causing for a minor irritation. She let out a small groan as her mind was causing her some strife. This loneliness was eating at her to the point that she was about to befriend a crab just to get over it. Her eyes began to look around as the idea didn't seem so bad, maybe she could find a friendly one! The thought made her laugh inside.

Standing she shook some of the sand from her coat and began to trot along the shoreline. She was utterly graceful in her movements, her paws lining up one behind the other as she moved. The determination in her eyes was almost captivating. Her eyes soon spotted a living creature, a turtle. Being too anxious she ran after it. The moment she darted to its direction it took to the water. She stopped moving letting out a huff, "Fine! Don't be my friend!" She yelled at it. Even yelling her voice sounded kind and gentle, it had a tone to it that betrayed the anger or frustration that she displayed. Her eyes looked around. They held a sadness making her look like a puppy. Granted she was just a year, but she was no puppy puppy, by any means. She was pretty much her full size now, and not about to grow much more, if any.

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