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Oh well. Time to throw it away i guess. LOL

She looked at her dark angel quietly, aching. it hurt to give those words to the dark woman, hurt to talk about it. I'm not sure how it happened....but a coyote....killed him. Tore him up real bad. She had to look away, couldn't look at Soran, didn't have to wrds to explain just how bad it had been. her chest hitched as Soran laid a hand on her shoulder.
Lucifer and I buried my den with the others...along with the pups I lost that day...I'd been pregnant, but I misscarried. Her voice broke, and she flung her arms around Soran, sobbing. I lost my pups and my mate all in the smae day! Lucifer hates me, Soran! he hates me for losing our pups!
She didn't even think after that, just clung to the one who [used to] love her, weeping bitterly.


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