We Meet At Last

Word Count:200+ yay for short posts and writers block -_-

At Ayita's revelation that she too was clothes hunting, Ruri's half-folded ears perked in interest, her plumed tail swishing back and forth expectantly. "That's great, I could use the help. Firefly helped me find all of the clothes I have now, but I can't remember which building she took me to. I could also use your help in seeing what looks good on me. I'm usually only concerned with how comfortable something is, since I can't see it anyway, but now that I'm with Heath I like giving him something nice to look at," she replied, blushing slightly. She expected Ayita to understand her meaning for she was mated to Vigilante and understood the various things that went with wanting to look nice for one's mate.

Soleil had assumed a sitting position on Ruri's left side, taking the time to groom himself as the two women conversed. He did not have to watch Ayita anymore as his owner was speaking in friendly tones with her thus indicating that she was not a threat. Perhaps in a moment he would go and officially greet the stranger, showing off his friendly side. The flame orange tabby was an exceptionally friendly cat once people passed his initial inspection. As of this moment, the only thing that kept him from soliciting some strokes from Ayita was his preoccupation with cleaning his feet.


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