Straight Jacket Fashion

Table by Alli

Don't point at 'em, 'nless y'all like missin' a finger, This here is my bud, Gadget. I found him out in Halifax. the male joked and then spoke seriously about the name of the beast. Brow cocked. Ya' know, if dat dhing bit me, I'd gut it vith mein other hand. the rust male threatened the giant rat that was on the shoulder of the male. Better keep dat in your room. Mein traps don't take kindly to rats. the male made sure to warn the kid, because Cotl really didn't want to hear the male's whining about how Cotl's stupid traps had killed his rat friend. Cotl could see the playing out of the situation in his head, and his eyes narrowed on the kid, hands folding across his chest as he imagined Cassius holding up the dead body of the rat and crying and yelling "LOOK AT WHAT YA'LL DID!". Just the thought made Cotl's gaze harden slightly on the other male.

Plantin' seeds? What kind 'f seeds? Somethin' tells me they ain't yer average tomato seeds the kid in front of him spoke. Cotl nodded his head and cleared his throat before he spoke. Marijuana seed. It ist ein herb. A lot of die clan smoke it, some eat it, und others for it's healing properties. the rust male spoke, the NYEH sound coming from his throat as he looked at Cassius, and then the beast on his shoulder. It was so ugly. He was surprised that he hadn't caught one of those bastards in his traps yet. Perhaps they were the creatures that destroyed his traps from time to time....Just maybe.



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