The Fog is Lifted

His touch strengthened her, brought back the feeling in her numb body. As he held her close to him, her own arms wrapped around his chest, she knew he was more important. He was more important than her grief. He was so much more worth living for. For a time, she had felt that Jac and Heath were equally important to her. The petite woman regretted that it had taken her two weeks of depression to finally realize that Heath would always be more important. His encouraging words, reinforcing her idea that she was ready to be happy again, echoed in her folded collie ears. She was alright, no turning back now. The slight optime would try her hardest, never to let such grief strike her down again.

As the coy-wolf echoed her expression of affection with one of his own, Ruri could not help but smile. She even managed a small, playful laugh, so happy to hear those words. He had said he loved her several times over the past couple weeks, but she had not paid much attention. Now, she held onto those words, savored them, and craved more. Milky blue eyes flickered open once more, having been shut tight as she basked in the presence of her mate. They managed to find Heath's face, though only occasionally did they ever meet his golden orbs. She knew he would see hers, though. She wanted him to see just how happy he made her, how much he had banished the darkness from her soul.

At the revelation that Stark was outside, Ruri couldn't help but wag her plumed tail eagerly. She vaguely remembered having smelled the pale stallions scent, but she had likely dismissed it as simply lingering upon her mate. Not so, for the steed was actually outside, awaiting his master and mistress. "Let's go! Let's go, I don't want to wait anymore. I've been sitting still for too long, wasted too much time," she exclaimed, her voice carrying a puppish excitement as she now proceeded to pull her mate towards the door. The darkness had left her, but she wanted to utterly banish it with happiness, send it hurling into the void where it belonged. Soleil, the adolescent Maine coon, was now curled up in the section of the couch that had previously been occupied by his mistress. Master Heath had done the job of curing whatever was wrong with Ruri, and now that all was right in his little feline world, he could return to the simple pleasure of sleeping in a warm spot on the old couch. So, as Ruri continued to pull on Heath, leading him outside, the cat drifted into a nap. The day had been a success as far as he was concerned, he would end it on that pleasant note. For Ruri and Heath, however, the fun was only just beginning.


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