[M] with all the fruits of labor & half of the fun
Power play with permission. :0!

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When she turned to enter the cave she spoke and her voice echoed from the walls. His back opened and he fumbled around in it for a moment as if he could not find what he was looking for. In reality, his bag had few items. A few of the herbs he needed were tucked in the bottom, he did have a small ceramic bowl but he did not grab that. His fingers laced around a thin piece of rope that was about three feet long. It would not do much aside for what he had in mind and he was lucky to have it, having picked up a few items in a city somewhere. It was bloody, something he used to tie off his upper arm to prevent any more bleeding, but today that was not the use.

"Check a little further back, the wind could have moved them," he commented as he stood, pushing aside the bag. "But I was attacked a few days ago by a wolf on the other side of the mountain. I had killed a rabbit to eat and he wanted it," he said, though the whole story was a lie. Godric had been the one to attack the male but he had to be pitiful for the full effect. He was a coyote, compared to a wolf, and he was glad the girl he was with was young and inexperienced, yet to reach her full strength. "Did you find them?" he questioned innocently as he looped the rope around his fingers and entered the gaze.

Her dark body was barely illuminated. His smile faded and anything nice about his demeanor was suddenly gone. His lips pulled back in a sneer as he moved forward and without waiting for an answer or any sort of action, he jumped in her direction. He had an advantage being on two legs, having the use of his arms and hands to better control her. When he landed upon her, he forced her to the ground. His goal with the rope was not quite used, he had to get her into his full control before he did anything. He scrambled with his arms and put all of his weight upon her, his hands trying to grab her limbs in order to keep her on the ground.


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