out in the fields i saw you run
As Angel began to look at the wound on the leg, she decided to keep the girl talking. It usually calmed the ones she was helping. "Of course I will tell her and make it stop hurting. Xeris is yer mother right? I had heard she had pups earlier. And you amazingly look like her so she will be easy to find. So tell me. What happened when you were on this contraption?" she asked as she took a quick look at it before going back to the leg. Taking her razor knife she carefully shaved the hair from the leg and looked it it. It was quite the puncture and the bleeding had continued. Placing a cloth gauze pad on the injury she held pressure on it for a moment. "It might hurt a little, but keep talking to me. Do you have any brothers or sisters?" she asked as her kind eyes remained bright and soft. As she waited for responses she occasionally checked the puncture and as soon as the bleeding stopped she began to look at it more intensely.

Finally she carefully placed the leg over linen bandages she had made and spread out the ends of it so wrapping would be easy. Going to her bowl and grinder she placed red berries and poison oak looking leaves in the bowl and began mashing them together until it was a light brown color. The aromatic smell of mush and earth was evident as she began to spread the mushy paste on the injury. "This paste will not only help the pain, but it will take the fragments of metal from the rusty nail out. One has to be careful when coming across something like this. Show me where you injured your leg?" Angel asked hoping that it was not a rusty nail but a gut feeling told her that it wouldn't be a clean one. If it were a rusty nail, Angel would have to come back periodically to make sure that the injury was not getting worse.

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