out in the fields i saw you run
Today was another relaxing day in the Valley for the orange warrior Ty Trenton Nasphrite. the sun was high in the sky, the air was cool, but refreshing, and everything just seemed to radiate with life. Today, Ty traveled with a spring in his step today, enjoying the fresh air and wonderful weather the Valley was experiencing. Truly all the rain and cold was finally gone, and it was about time too.

However, Ty stopped when he heard a pair of wolves talking nearby, and of course without too much hesitation went to check it out. his ears twitched and turned to try and hear the conversation better, but he wasn't getting too many words. One sounded like she was young, and in pain, while the other voice sounded...familiar. Ty now quickened his pace to a trot until he saw the two wolves, and he immediately became much more reserved about talking to them. the child he didn't know, she was hurt, but seemed to be in good care. However, he also realized that Angel was there, the girl he couldn't save from her brutal rapist. The girl who, in the aftermath of the horrible crimes, watched his own violent episode as he killed Brutus with nothing more than his bare hands and a animalistic rage he even he was afraid to show. Nevertheless, he swallowed his doubts and approached the two of them, and spoke quite softly, unlike his usual tone. "H....Hey there." He began as he walked towards the two of them. "What's going on? Is that child alright?"

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