Life is too short, so love the one you got


Carrying his fresh kill and a back pack over his shoulder the coal warrior set away from the manor. The pups were asleep, Ghita was fed and resting, now it was his turn. Jazper craved a balance of nature and architecture. Sure, he loved humans, couldn't get enough of the dead beasts. They had so much talent: painting, building, art, strength and intelligence. It was a shame the lot of them died off. Staying in the large house was comfortable, practical, and always warm in the winter however, it was summer time. The stars were out, the night life was stirring and the forest called to the wolf.

No more than the off night had been spent out under the stars, the real wolf way. Digging a small hole took only a few seconds, it was the gathering of wood and rocks that took such a long time. One by one he placed the sticks on top of each other and around them he laid thin flat rocks. He lite the fire and started skinning the rabbits, tossing the pelts fur side down next to the fire to dry out. Eventually Aro and Sophie would need their own blankets and it was best to start saving up now.. The meat was put down on the stones close to the fire to cook through and the warrior shifted down to his halfling form for a nap.

Just as his eyes started to feel heavy and close, a voice and scent awoke the giant. Large ebony ears shifted forward and he rose to his paws with a quiet inquisitive grumble. Who was this guy to barge into their lands without so much as a howl of notice? It confused Jazper that a wolf would willingly trespass on land and walk right up to the largest wolf in the pack and strike up a conversation. Unsure of what else he could do he stood frozen, yellow eyes staring down the stranger and muscles puffed up to make the giant look even more intimidating. “Just some rabbit...and you are?” He didn't feel a need to be aggressive before he knew the strangers attention, however he showed off his dominance for good measure.


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