Dancing in the sun.

Amazing table by Sara Joe

Ayita looked around she didn't really recognize where she was. The forest seemed so different to her and she wasn't exactly sure where she was. She wandered around as she found a pond. She was so glad to be in Lupus form she was able to move across the area quite easily. She was taking some time to just be. She now had another pup in her capable hands and the funny thing was that she was nicer to her.

She sat down by the small pond and looked into the water. She hated the rain. And it made the surface of the pond uneasy and no reflection could be made out easy. She was rather soaked but she didn't really mind it. She was just happy to have some space away form her family. She'd have to see Strel and apologize. She felt so bad and she was tired and so she figured it was bugging her more.


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