Ugh, I hate these types of posts. Whether it be "HAI I'M NEW TO YOUR GUILD" or "hai i wunt to rp wif you" it always leaves me somewhat on guard.


I'm new (how'd you guess?) I work a difficult job so my brain functions after work arn't the greatest so please excuse me if I happen to come across as "cross". I've off again and on again rp'd for a long time. While my grammar and spelling has improved since my horrible fail as I was growing up it still isn't exactly up to the bright shining example I'd love it to be. But that isn't my current problem, my current problem is this. OMG MENTAL OVERLOAD WITH INFORMATION TO ABSORB. First off I've been wanting to get back into forum rp, I'm a recent recovering wow addict that raided way to much. Yes I was the elitist jerk on your server that made fun of your gear and how you toiled over gear score in a vain effort to bring meaning to your existence (which ironically enough brought meaning to mine while I wasn't raiding... oh how we feed off each other). I didn't really care much for the simplistic nature of rp in game and I missed the extensive in-depth rp that a forum helps foster. Most of the characters I like to play are very complicated and hard to figure out. Normally I do not rush into anything without first weighing my options and then coming up with ideas for a potential character. What I need help with is coming up with ideas, viable options and someone who can lend an ear to me and provide feedback. As it is right now, my current ideas are A. Play a newborn pup to ease into the rp or B. Do a full blown new character with its own past and history (much rather do this but I need to work out any issues a history would have). At this current point in time the character idea I have is someone from Europe.

Anyways, rambling tired, I'll check back tomorrow after work.

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