A Whale of a Tale

OOC: Yaaaaay!!!

Bris' mood matched the rain that poured down upon her. She'd spent much of the morning sitting quietly beside her sister's grave in Flander's Field, neither crying nor speaking, trying to deal with everything that had happened in the most recent of days. She was a Stormbringer; she was strong, but no strength was absolute. The encounter on the beach with Kol's killer had left her feeling more vulnerable than ever before, and the white woman knew it would be a very long time before she confidently set foot outside of Dahlia again.

The Stormbringer was unsure whether anyone had picked up on the change in her recent mood. It had only been a matter of days since the attack, but Bris hadn't been her usual, cheerful self since. Unwilling to worry anyone, especially Conor, the woman put on a mask for the pups she cared for and spent much of her time away from the home she and they shared with the alpha. Let them all think she was still shrouded by grief for her sister, and her frequent visit's to Kol's grave would only serve to further that assumption.

Bris sighed heavily as she placed a scarred hand on the wooden marker, then rose to her feet, knowing she'd spent perhaps a little too much time here today. The pups needed her, and would worry should she be gone for too long. As the white luperci turned to head back toward Wolfville, a sudden call rang across the packland. The girl stopped in her tracks, not recognizing the caller's voice, then turned her feet in the direction of the howl and set her two legs into a ground-eating jog. Doubtless her lupine form would have been faster, but she was still sore and didn't wish to aggravate any injuries by forcing a shift.

As the snowy girl arrived at the origin of the call, her blue and violet eyes widened in shock. Conor was already on the scene, a thing not unexpected of the ever-dutiful leader, and there was a woman whose pelt matched the silvery clouds that hung in the sky. Yet more fascinating than either of her packmates was the enormous dark spot on the beach. It was a whale, something Bris had only read about in human stories. The woman had never had the chance to see one for herself as they tended to stay much farther out at sea than she'd ever cared to venture. The creature's loud breathing was obviously labored, and it's sleek black skin looked to be drying in the springtime air. The only good thing was the fact that it was raining, keeping the beast's skin far more moistened than it would have been on a bright, sunny afternoon. Blinking away her surprise, Bris gave a nod of greeting to the strange new Dahlian and exchanged a look of wonder and worry with her alpha. "How...how do we get it back out to sea?" The thought of making a meal of the magnificent whale had never even crossed the girl's mind.

Table by Kiri/Jenny!!

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