A Whale of a Tale
It was a drizzly day, but this didn't stop the blue-furred wolf from getting outside. The rain was cool as it dripped into her fur and the monotonous dripping of the droplets on her head caused her to enter a trance. She was dozing off in a patch of flowers when she heard the howl pierce the air and, despite feeling slightly dazed, her sense of duty called her to the wolf in need. She stood slowly and padded in the direction of the call, stretching her legs as she walked.

She arrived more slowly than she had hoped and a conversation was already underway. Most of the wolves were around a creature smelling of the sea and she quickly skirted the creature with curiosity, taking in it's scent. She could sense it's distress and caught the last pieces of conversation. From what she could see, this creature wasn't in good shape and she doubted that it could survive the stress of being moved.

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