A Whale of a Tale

OOC: Sorry for my missing posts, I just got back from a week with very little internet! XD

Bris' slight spell of shock and awe was broken as first Nayru and then little Gideon appeared on the scene. The female pup seemed to be caught up in the same tide of amazement as Bris was at first, and the look on Nayru's face made the snowy adult smile. Before she had a chance to answer the child's question, Conor did so in his gentle, soothing voice, making Bris' smile widen a bit. Gideon's voice grabbed the woman's attention next, and she crouched down, draping an arm around the boy as he snuggled his coal black body against her. "It's actually an animal Giddy, not a rock. If you get a little closer, you can see it breathing." The white woman's mismatched eyes were soft as she explained to her nephew. "We're all trying to figure out a way to save it. It belongs in the sea, and if it stays on land for too long, it'll die." Bris' face fell a little at that prospect. She hoped the Dahlians would be enough to save the creature.

It wasn't long before more members answered the call for help. Most of the faces were newcomers Bris' recognized only as scents and forms she'd kept fleeting track of around the packlands. Fortunately, they were a smart bunch, and each had helpful suggestions. Bris flashed a proud smile at Nayru as she offered her take on it. The child was right: as long as they could keep the creature alive until high tide enveloped it, it would be able to free itself from the sandy shore without much help from the wolves. The other newcomers realized that the beast's skin was quickly drying, as the rain had begun to let up its helpful downpour. Keeping the whale wet had to be the key to keeping it alive.

As she rose, Gideon's form still snuggled against her leg, Bris chewed her lip in thought. There had to be a more efficient way to soak the poor creature's massive form. Apparently, the alpha's mind had taken up the same thought process, though he arrived at the obvious conclusion more quickly. As he turned to pose his idea, Bris caught on instantly. She smiled as she joined in the last word of Conor's sentence, the irony not lost on her in the least. "Giddy, why don't you go make sure Nayru doesn't get too close while we're trying to keep the whale wet. I don't think she'd enjoy getting stepped on if someone doesn't see her, or squished if the whale suddenly gets spooked." With an encouraging smile and wink, Bris ruffled her nephew's ears and turned to catch up to Conor. At least this time there wouldn't be any collapsing buildings engulfed in flames. Bris had been quite happy her singed fur had grown back, though the tiny patches weren't quite as long and silky as the rest of her snow-white fur.

Table by Vero!


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