You and [m]e could write a bad ro[m]ance

table © Alaine
wc: 407

His reply made her scrunch up her face pettily, shaking her head in denial. Yes, there were plenty that she healed, but few of them were of a mind for chitchat and bonding. Besides, she'd never had the time to hang around for long afterward, and their gratitude was often belated in coming. There was nothing quite like trying to start a friendship with images of grievous bodily wounds swimming through one's head!

Daisuke did not seem dissuaded by her negativity, so the collie-woman complied with a sigh. " Well, there are a few not-so-bad wolvies... There's a dressmaker, Mr Strel, very dea-chroíoch... And oh! And the girl with the pink hair." She giggled lightly in spite of herself. What vibrant pink hair Miss Orin had! It was such a stunning, unusual color, and the thought of it reminded her of Dai's rainbow spikes. It was peculiar, the way these wolves altered their appearances. She'd never had the opportunity nor the want to, for her thick auburn curls had always been shocking enough.

Having settled back into place atop her, her golden companion re-applied his administrations, albeit with more firm and tantalizing strokes. She could feel him leaning forwards, the cheeky muzzle at her ear, the hot breath and sweet smell of liquor as he spoke. Queen Alaine! She would have objected to the term, but ooh, his hands... What had she been thinking about? Nevermind, it couldn't have been important. His thumbs began their heated trail down her spine, and the slender woman arched slightly, a soft hum of pleasure swelling from her maw. Ooh, his hands were magical! All the tension that had built up in her body since their separation seemed to melt away, down into the mattress, never to be seen again.

The feeling was heightened by the gentle nudge at her neck. The woman instinctively tilted her head aside, baring the ivory curve to the scraping of his teeth. The unexpected feeling made her heavy lashes flicker open in surprise, a breath draw hastily in. Far, far in the back of her mind, a red alarm flashed warningly, but it was smothered by the layers of drink and security and adoration, invisible to her groggy conscious. Her body was humming with some strange energy, and it made her slightly nervous. " ... Dai?" The healer's voice sounded uncertain but slightly husky, the muscles along her spine shivering slightly beneath his warm weight.

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