You and [m]e could write a bad ro[m]ance

table © Alaine
ooc: eh. i just sped it up a bit.
wc: 357

Alaine had never been a violent person. The mask she wore was pure and meek, timid and angelic, innocent and naive. But deep down was a wildness that no doggish breeding could pull from her soul, a voracious appetite for life, the instinctual need to live and prosper and be remembered forever in the genes of her offspring. And this wildness, usually suppressed so much that to deny it's existence was plausible, now bubbled to the surface like an unstable mixture of chemicals, oozing from each pore with the heavy scent of sex.

In the end, it was Daisuke's commands that unleashed it, his begged need to be devoured that pulled from her mind the animal appetite for violence and passion. His moan fuelled her need, the woman's slender body bucking beneath his own, arching to meet each thrust, to fill the emptiness right up to the brim with him. And as the tempo reached a fever pitch and his head fell to her shoulder, baring the male's golden neck like some sort of meal on a golden platter, she simply could not resist. Ivory fangs were revealed in a primitive snarl as he slammed into her again, her pixie jaws snapping over the place where thick neck met muscular shoulder. Her teeth dug down into the moving muscle, pinpricks of blood welling to meet her tongue, the rusty taste driving her wild as her tongue lapped at the area, her claws digging through the golden fur on his back and leaving almost feline scratches.

The collie-woman groaned around her mouthful of flesh as she felt it, the precipice of completion looming closer, the pair of them flying towards it like a steam train without breaks. Only a little further, a little harder, a little faster and, and, and- She convulsed against him, her body arching tight as a bowstring, each lean muscle quivering with ecstasy as Alaine flew over the edge. Her emerald eyes gazed blindly at the ceiling, her head thrown back with auburn curls flying in a wild copper crown about it. Stars leaped before her vision, and the train flew over the cliff.

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