Xmas in July Drop-Off
Hi..! Big Grin

Sorry for the delay, had some other work at hands and could not do it as fast as I'd wished... ñ__ñu

Anyway, this is all for Sunny's character Element... I did it kind of fast against clock... but it's made with love... so I hope you like it..! :3


Here's your AVATAR:

[Image: ugly%20cat.jpg]

Isn't cute..? ♥ ñ///ñ


Naaah It's a joke..! HERE! this your Avatar..! ^^

[Image: element.gif]
(Drawn n' colored by me)


Here goes your TABLE:


This da' OOC :3

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent sed libero diam, non sodales est. Donec laoreet justo ac sapien laoreet faucibus. Morbi id feugiat urna. Ut pharetra pretium nulla, quis pulvinar arcu consectetur pharetra. Donec aliquet consequat dolor, eget consequat dolor pulvinar vitae. Morbi vitae leo ipsum. Maecenas at neque orci, et sagittis velit. Proin eget congue nisi. Donec hendrerit malesuada massa eu vehicula. Curabitur placerat varius volutpat. "Morbi semper, leo non fermentum interdum, purus enim pellentesque turpis, et fringilla velit orci convallis turpis." Fusce tincidunt condimentum tellus eget placerat. Cras dictum massa ut velit ultrices vehicula. Etiam quis leo a odio commodo luctus nec vitae augue. Sed id sapien quam.

Curabitur et interdum risus. Donec placerat sagittis tellus a eleifend. Pellentesque vel sapien imperdiet arcu tempus malesuada in molestie lacus. Phasellus dolor nunc, facilisis ac placerat sed, auctor non mi. Donec sit amet elit et ipsum convallis pulvinar non et nulla. "Suspendisse congue nunc placerat velit consequat ac sollicitudin lectus gravida. Donec quam lacus, dignissim eget imperdiet in, laoreet et neque." Donec porta purus id nulla tristique accumsan. Integer laoreet, magna ut pretium interdum, augue dolor auctor libero, feugiat laoreet mi orci quis tellus. Praesent molestie accumsan eros sollicitudin vestibulum. Proin quis erat ligula. In id elit et dolor bibendum auctor. Ut consequat tellus quis odio ultricies rutrum scelerisque tortor tincidunt. Donec diam lorem, tincidunt a rhoncus eget, suscipit at tortor. Sed auctor nunc vitae sem ornare rutrum. Integer dictum tincidunt sem sit amet pretium. Donec pulvinar mattis tortor.

<style type="text/css">
.Element-Table talk {font-weight:bold; color:#088A08; letter-spacing:.0px; }
.Element-Table think {font-style:italic; color:#82BD58; letter-spacing:.0px; }
.element-ooc { font-style:italic; color:#BDBDBD; font-family:arial, sans-serif; font-size:11px; text-align:center; }
.Element-Table p {text-indent:10px; padding:3px 10px; margin:0px;}
.Element-Table {margin:0 auto; width:450px; background-color:#000000; background-image:url(http://img690.imageshack.us/img690/9097 ... ttable.jpg); background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; border:1px solid #96B47C; padding: 300px 0px 10px 0px; font-family: arial, sans-serif; font-size:12px; color:#38610B; line-height:16px; letter-spacing:.0px; text-align:justify;}

[dohtml]<div class="Element-Table">
<p class="element-ooc">This da' OOC :3</p>

<p>This is the body. <talk>"This is all the talking."</talk> Some more body.</p>

<p>A lil' more body. <think>"This is some thinking."</think> A lil' bit more body;D.</p>

<style type="text/css">
.Element-Table talk {font-weight:bold; color:#088A08; letter-spacing:.0px; }
.Element-Table think {font-style:italic; color:#82BD58; letter-spacing:.0px; }
.element-ooc { font-style:italic; color:#BDBDBD; font-family:arial, sans-serif; font-size:11px; text-align:center; }
.Element-Table p {text-indent:10px; padding:3px 10px; margin:0px;}
.Element-Table {margin:0 auto; width:450px; background-color:#000000; background-image:url(http://img690.imageshack.us/img690/9097/elementtable.jpg); background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; border:1px solid #96B47C; padding: 300px 0px 10px 0px; font-family: arial, sans-serif; font-size:12px; color:#38610B; line-height:16px; letter-spacing:.0px; text-align:justify;}


This be your SIGN:

[Image: elementsign.gif]
(Drawn n' colored by me)

All yours..! If thres something you wish to change, you can PM me or you can do it yourself, HERE, these are all the archives I used..! :3

ELEMENT.ZIP (Doesn't include virus......... yet.... :3 XDDD)

Merry July-Xmass..! ^^

(BY THE WAY: All the images were edited with the latest version of GIMP ^^)

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