Halifax Airport
OOC: Optime form. All Welcome just carry on from where I left off! Word Count: 304!

J'adore woke up fairly late, 11:04. The sun crept through the cracks in the attic roof and the breeze flung the cloth curtains back from the window frame. He stood up from his inflatable bed and pulled up the trap door up and padded down the spiral stairs, shutting the door behind him. He continued to pad down the mains stairs and out the door. Thinking for a moment he wandered behind the house. Aromic Scents drifted from Flayra's greenhouse, she was not there though. She was obviously looking for more plants. So, J'adore carried on. After a long sprint, he arrived at Halifax Airport. The main departures area was, as always, empty. Devoid of humans and of wolves surprisingly. He made his way to the baggage carrousel, and began rooting through a bright green case. As he uprooted many items of clothing, his nose hit a soft, cuddly thing. As he sniffed at it, his eyes watered. This case had been left by a small human girl. Dead for some time now. Her body moved somewhere, to make better access for the wolves. But her case was left here. To be forgotten. He gently picked up the toy bear and slipped it in his bag. 1988 was a long time ago He wiped his eyes and carried on to the next case.. This one was very different. Stuffed to the brim with illegal drugs. J'adore smiled 'Humans, typical'. He himself had never met a human. But he had been told they were stupid creatures, to which he replied, ‘Like squirrels?', much to the humour of his birth pack. He snapped back into action when he heard a loud sound. ‘Who’s there?’ he called with a slight growl.

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