endure the night for the promise of light
This is set on the same night as her joining thread. Title lyrics by Local Natives.

Alone again. Walking through the mini-city of tombstones gave her shivers. She let out a caustic whisper, "Welcome to your new home. Relax and enjoy the stench of old death." She looked at the dusty earth with dismay and wondered why anyone would bury the dead. Aquilina decided that grave yards gave her the creeps. In the future she would avoid this area of her new home...

New home. The idea hardly registered in her brain. It wasn't right without the family to share this moment. Then the shell-of-a-girl let out a harsh sigh and traipsed to the base of an ancient looking tree. It's bark was that of scabby, withered skin and its roots were thick, brown veins which the wolf-teen nestled her rump between. She looked across the grave yard and felt nothing but frustration.

There was no happiness in a home without loved ones.

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