Saluce. Wolfville. Poop. 519

Nayru sat on the edge of the dock, her feet dangling in the water below. Ila harbor was abandoned that day, even the gulls had better things to do because no one was there to witness Nayru sitting there. Since the day Bris had given her the bracelet Nayru had not gone back to her lupus form, she hadn’t found a need to. Rather she had taken the time to explore again Dahlia de Mai, this time on two feet. Doors had been opened, boxes looked into, glass broken. Nayru was convinced that two hands were far more useful than four feet, although she found that traveling on two feet took up more time. Yet she never strayed too far home, so this did not bother her. As it was, although the desire to step outside of Dahlia rose up every now and then, she still spent nearly all of her time within the pack lands.

Rising up from the wooden dock, Nayru admired the way that the rich red stones of the bracelet Bris had created glinted in the sun. The bracelet, now turned anklet, made no noise bouncing against her leg as she walked towards Wolfville, towards home. Already it was late afternoon and she had meant to find Bris and ask if perhaps they could read together again, but time had slipped by as the girl had sat on the dock, watching the clouds cover and uncover the sun throughout the course of the day. Now perhaps it was too late to do anything too productive with the day, but this thought did not faze Nayru as she meandered through Wolfville. There was time enough, the dainty youth never seemed to be a rush now, and even when it appeared she was doing nothing Nayru never considered herself to be idle. The piebald female did not consider watching the clouds to be inactive, nor did she consider it a distraction or diversion when the sound of hammering caused her to pause at the entrance of a building close to the edge of the town.

Placing one hand on the handle of the door, Nayru listened to the hammer stop and then start again and she pulled the handle, letting herself in. The first room was empty, it had obviously been some sort of workshop, but the sound of hammering was louder now, and coming from the next room. Whoever was within had to be a Dahlian member and so Nayru was not hesitant to enter. Yet when the second door was opened, she paused, her cherry eyes making out the familiar figure bent over an assortment of tools, metals and other items that Nayru did not understand. “Saluce?” Her normally hushed voice rose just a bit, he’d had to hear her over the noise he was making. Unmoving from the doorway, Nayru suddenly felt she was indeed intruding. If the male that she met in the field with Conor claimed this building as his own he had it was a recent development and Nayru hadn’t meant to trespass, but she was here now, waiting for acknowledgement.


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