Saluce. Wolfville. Poop. 519

Nayru sat on the edge of the dock, her feet dangling in the water below. Ila harbor was abandoned that day, even the gulls had better things to do because no one was there to witness Nayru sitting there. Since the day Bris had given her the bracelet Nayru had not gone back to her lupus form, she hadn’t found a need to. Rather she had taken the time to explore again Dahlia de Mai, this time on two feet. Doors had been opened, boxes looked into, glass broken. Nayru was convinced that two hands were far more useful than four feet, although she found that traveling on two feet took up more time. Yet she never strayed too far home, so this did not bother her. As it was, although the desire to step outside of Dahlia rose up every now and then, she still spent nearly all of her time within the pack lands.

Rising up from the wooden dock, Nayru admired the way that the rich red stones of the bracelet Bris had created glinted in the sun. The bracelet, now turned anklet, made no noise bouncing against her leg as she walked towards Wolfville, towards home. Already it was late afternoon and she had meant to find Bris and ask if perhaps they could read together again, but time had slipped by as the girl had sat on the dock, watching the clouds cover and uncover the sun throughout the course of the day. Now perhaps it was too late to do anything too productive with the day, but this thought did not faze Nayru as she meandered through Wolfville. There was time enough, the dainty youth never seemed to be a rush now, and even when it appeared she was doing nothing Nayru never considered herself to be idle. The piebald female did not consider watching the clouds to be inactive, nor did she consider it a distraction or diversion when the sound of hammering caused her to pause at the entrance of a building close to the edge of the town.

Placing one hand on the handle of the door, Nayru listened to the hammer stop and then start again and she pulled the handle, letting herself in. The first room was empty, it had obviously been some sort of workshop, but the sound of hammering was louder now, and coming from the next room. Whoever was within had to be a Dahlian member and so Nayru was not hesitant to enter. Yet when the second door was opened, she paused, her cherry eyes making out the familiar figure bent over an assortment of tools, metals and other items that Nayru did not understand. “Saluce?” Her normally hushed voice rose just a bit, he’d had to hear her over the noise he was making. Unmoving from the doorway, Nayru suddenly felt she was indeed intruding. If the male that she met in the field with Conor claimed this building as his own he had it was a recent development and Nayru hadn’t meant to trespass, but she was here now, waiting for acknowledgement.


Workin with steel,poop, and lil nayru

Clang clang followed by sharp noises of wood and steel battling out their strengths in an all out war for dominance ushered in by the large arms of the behemoth swinging the hammer with mechanical precision. He paused for a moment to look over the beginnings of a forge he was creating. The small fire he had made earlier had helped provide a heat source to form steel to his liking, although great strength helped to make the steel submit to his will. Saluce had found the thin sheets of metal in his shop, what would be sheet metal to humans but it served its purpose. Thin and easily formed into shapes and now as he continued his work he was making the tools he’d require to get his new born business up and running. Taking a short break the man lifted a pair of glasses from his face and removed the wads of cotton in his ears to protect his hearing and eye sight. Reaching behind him he grabbed a large looking metal tube, popped the top and let a large volume of water reach his parched mouth. True wolves don’t sweat but his tongue was already rolling out of his muzzle in a soft pant. Letting the cool water slide down his throat helped to relieve him before he reached for his cotton wads and glasses to go at it again.

The wolf went about his work for a few more minutes, his form still favoring his right leg but the fur had already grown over the injury, and only a soft scar remained from the point of the break. As he was trying to fit a piece of steel to a make shift form, her soft voice echoed through h is large abandoned factory. If not for the quiet of not hitting the steel he wouldn’t have heard her because of the packing in his ears, but his soft blue eyes rose up as if hearing a ghost. The soft voice reminded him of his sisters, when they grew up they would often bother him while he was hard at work trying to please the master who taught him to fight and his trade. With a soft smile the behemoth stood and removed his hearing protection, so far he wasn’t sure who it was but as those icy blues fell upon the optime form of Nayru his lips let form a large smile. Those blotches of black and white made no mistake to who it was even though having never seen the young girl in her two leg form. Taking off the glasses meant obviously for a human face, his other hand softly laid down what he was working on to welcome in his guest proper.

“Bonjour little women Nayru” he said with an obvious French accent to his voice. Saluce slowly moved toward the young girl who was growing up very fast. Last time he had met the girl she was still in the awkward stage of being a child yet with the promise of things to come. Now she was starting to grow into a woman proper. Only a few months would separate her from that mark, in fact it hadn’t been to long since he had gone through the transition into manhood but still. “I see I can no longer call you little one anymore no? Little Women sounds more like a more proper title… Come sit, would like anything to drink?” True this wasn’t his home but it would likely evolve into it, still he hailed from Connor’s place for the time being.

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Or just poop even. 408.

The large male heard her and turned, removing as he did goggles and cotton from his face. When he turned the sight of the strange goggles on his face made her smile, reminding her of Razekiel and his literal rose colored glasses. Nayru had worn them too on that muddled day, and yet eyewear still seemed strange to her. It seemed stranger than clothing, or tools, or jewelry or anything else that the luperci utilized. As Nayru thought this she became aware once more of the anklet she was adorned with, and quickly allowed herself to forget about both the goggles and the anklet, dipping her head low in a respectful bow to his friendly greeting. “Good day Saluce, sorry if I am intruding.” Her cherry eyes lifted and sought his, if only to reassure herself there was no resentment at her presence.

The sugary words that he spoke did not strike her as odd, for often Bris or Conor would speak to her with such praise, and even Razekiel too had bestowed upon her endearing titles she did not quite think she qualified for. However, their affection kept her well prepared to accept compliments and admiration from whoever gave it. Bowing her head again in deference to his words, her murmuring voice mumbled a soft “No thank you, I am not thirsty.” However the black and white wraith-child moved gracefully across the room to where the seat was offered and allowed herself to ease down into it, peering about the forge as she did to get a better look.

Nayru soaked in the details of the place: the sheet metal, the fire, the hammer. Oh, she had noticed them all when she first arrived, but she hadn’t thought of them, only on who had been inside. Now that she knew it was Saluce and no one else, she could stop to wonder what he was doing here. And Nayru knew well from experience the best way to wonder was to do so out loud, for that provided the best chances her questions would be answered. “What are you doing in here? It’s so hot.” Truly the room was stifling, helped none by the warm weather outside. Yet Nayru did not speak it as a complaint, only an observation. Whether the heat was oppressive or not she didn’t let on, but simply existed in it, looking about and returning her gaze the to blue eyes of the other.


Nodding quietly to her answer he popped the top off the thermos he had found and took another long drink of cool water. The invention had kept the cool water cold as the heat in the room had increased, and so it was a valued possession of his now. With a long sigh he sat down mouth open, panting quietly trying very hard to keep it low key at least.

“No you are not intruding” a smile spread across his lips as the girl studied his place. Saluce sat there patiently knowing the answer would come and was eager to answer as it left her lips. “This is my profession. Other then my other abilities with sword, and combat, I can make weapons, trinkets, or tools from fire and steel. It is so hot because I use fire to soften steel so I can form it into shapes. Steel is the most abundant metal left behind by humans and I’ve learned much from their books on the subject” With a genuine smile he waited for the words to sink in as he leaned back in the creaking chair that grunted under his weight.

With a soft grunt he moved back upright to reach across a table near him to grab something. Having grabbed it he pulled it back to him and held it with both hands on his lap. It was a sword, a long finely engraved double edged surface gave way to a wolf’s head quillion (cross guard), with a richly wrapped leather finishing with a pointed pummel. For a sword of its nature it was meant to be held with two hands but he was accustomed to wielding it with one as its brother still laid on the table. “This is one of the two swords I made for myself back home. I can fashion most anything with enough heat and time. Although right now I have to build all the tools I’ll need to create items like this.” He then offered it to her for closer inspection, both paws slowly pushing outward the sword lying on top of them. “Care to take a look?”

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Profession? The word was unfamiliar to Nayru, who did not know such concepts as work, careers and monetary systems. As far as her life went, she knew that some people chose to specialize in certain areas, such as Bris crafting her jewelry, and this was the best definition Nayru could apply to the word “profession”. It worked well enough then: Saluce specialized in creating weapons and other such tools made of metal. It was interesting to say the least, but Nayru didn’t quite know what to make of it. She knew what swords, daggers and all that were, what they were used for, but how they had been created hadn’t ever crossed her mind. Nayru knew that humans had made varied and immense amount of different items, but she had not considered that such substantial objects were still created anew. The jewelry Bris made was different somehow, perhaps because the material she used didn’t undergo such a complete transformation as Saluce indicated the steel he possessed would.

That Saluce had learned from books was notable, and Nayru again realized how valuable literacy could prove to be. The knowledge that Bris was teaching her to read and that she already had a clumsy grasp on it was a comfort. Still the male must have spent many hours practicing, made many mistakes. Very few souls could claim that such ability was completely inherent, especially with such a particular hobby. For a moment Nayru wondered why she was not so dedicated to anything in particular, but did not dwell on it. She’d fill her potential someday, whatever it was, and in the meantime she wasn’t apt to worry over it.

At the invitation to look at the sword Nayru took it up in her hands, the weight of the weapon more than she expected. Setting it on her lap the girl purposefully pressed a finger into the tip, applying more pressure until it punched her skin, just so slightly. Examining her finger as droplets of liquid, the same shade as her eyes, began to pool, she very childishly stuck the finger in her mouth and sucked on it. “How often have you actually had to use your swords?” Her melodic voice was muffled by the finger in her mouth but her eyes were interested. Indeed she hadn’t even witnessed a weapon in action and only really knew about them through conversations. Nayru knew that certain wolves, wolves like Saluce and Cwmfen, owned weapons, but how often they employed the use of the items or if it was really even practical eluded Nayru.


blargh, in a dark mood

Saluce watched her actions with a peaked interest. War scarred eyes studying her reaction to a weapon of war. Was he looking for anything specific? Yes he was looking for the heart or lack thereof to throw away senseless emotions and focus on the task at hand. He had learned many things in his short time, how people reacted to weapons of death where his favorite game. Life was a game to the behemoth sometimes, and the social part of it all seemed to add a fun element, almost like playing with prey before ending their life. She held the sword for but a moment before his practiced eyes caught her resignation to lay it on her lap. Then curious blue orbs watched as she pricked her finger on the end letting a small blip of crimson push forth from it. Saluce grinned quietly then, like a father watching his sons hunt for the first time.

A long sigh escaped his mouth; her question should have been expected. The wolf let his demeanor change quietly; the soft shades of grey fur that surrounded his face seemed to darken as the thought of blood work crossed his mind. The question itself wasn’t a point of a struggle for him the struggle was remembering just how many his twin blades had dispatched in the several short lived wars he had fought in. A long clawed finger rose to tap his cheek in thought as his mind swirled back to his darker days. Nostrils flared as the scent of remembered blood filled them and his eyes almost glazed over reliving glorious battle. Saluce had been inactive for too long, and now he maybe inactive for a longer time.

“Do you… Want an exact number?” his voice rang out breaking the silence. Soft tones exempt from his normal speech patterns where now replaced with a cold harshness that mirrored the thoughts running through is head. “I honestly cannot remember, I can say that I have done my fair share of blood work, or maybe even more so. I am a warrior at heart and while peace, love, a mate, and family are all things I love.” His voice changed quickly before speaking the next part, filled with venom and a lingering thrill at the tip of his tongue. “War, Violence, Depravity, and Cold blooded butchery are the trade I am trained in. I am a man of two worlds young Nayru, duality has always been my life since I was first sired” The words came easily to the Frenchmen. Since his birth he was born of two loyalties, since he had first learned to shift he had pushed away his wolf like nature but gave in to it to many times when those grey nostrils flared with blood filled violence. Now he was a trained killer in the midst of simple people who he judged as knowing nothing of the wicked foolishness of war. War that scaled not just a few wolves but war that encompassed who country sides, that blurred sides until no one knew what side they where fighting for.

“War is a tricky business young Naryu, the taste, smell and thrill of it can lure many a soul to death with the promise of glory. Pray that this country side never calls for my talents because I can be a harbinger of death” the behemoths lips curled up in a twisted grin. Saluce’s soft gentle nature was gone replaced by the war hardened wolf he was. If for just a moment one could assume that this was his true nature, and the other was just a façade put up to help him live in a world of peace.

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Exhausted. Looong weekend. Your post was good though ^^. Not much dialogue for you, sorry, Nayru is a quiet type. 755 wc.

The girl shook her head gently, her long bangs falling in her face. No, she did not want an exact number, she realized. What would be the point in such knowledge? Numbers held little value for the fairy child, and to keep score was not something she wished for do for neither herself nor anyone else. Nayru really only wished to know if swords were a necessity or a luxury, and this was something she would have to decide for herself. However, Saluce’s answers would help lead her to whatever conclusion she was to make, and to gather the largest amount of data possible was crucial to making an accurate judgment. Were they for sport and pleasure or for protection? Both perhaps, but their main function was debatable. It was obvious that this male was passionate about his craft, that he enjoyed creating instruments of death, but did he not take guilt in revoking others right to life?

“Then it is well you are on our side rather than another.” Her gentle voice teased the older male, but there seriousness of the statement was evident. The change in Saluce’s demeanor was obvious and would have been a little disconcerting if Nayru thought too deeply on it. What darkness the warrior carried about with him was his own business. Nayru believe she would not be harmed by him and the girl was too much of a stranger to poke and prod and dig any deeper. Her crimson eyes however took in all the details of his grey face, the expressions and lack of them, down to the subtle changes of the light in his eyes.

Nothing escaped her, but she said no more on the subject, unwilling to delve into his dual life, frightened by the idea that he was only two halves and not many parts fit together like she felt herself to be or one solid person as she knew the others to act. To be two solid halves seemed alarming, playing two parts and playing them perfectly was a lot of pressure. Still in her youth she still had not found a niche, and so nothing was set. Nayru was merely a blend of nature and nurture and it created a scattered and separated being, one full of questions and with very few answers, and one who did not quite know how to fill her potential, or even what that potential was. Was there one role and person she should be? Or two? Or many, as she seemed to be heading towards. The only sure thing was that she was tied to Dahlia de Mai now. That had been decided.

And if Dahlian lands did call for those like Saluce again, as he said he hoped that it did not but Nayru secretly wondered if part of him wished to see battle again, what would she do? Was it true that at times peace was only won with bloodshed? Nayru knew that Cwmfen joined the ranks of the warriors, and evidently Saluce as well. Dahlia de Mai was stocked with soldiers but perhaps not as well as it could or should be. Bris’ words of the Dahlian war came back to her then. That hadn’t been the first, if Nayru understood correctly, and perhaps then it wouldn’t be the last. If the need arose Nayru wasn’t sure if she could kill for Dahlia. The idea of her wielding such a weapon was daunting and strange, but exciting at the same time. Nayru knew in her heart that she would strive to maintain peace within Dahlia de Mai by any means, though to drive a blade through another was a last resort. That skill was, in a way, counter productive. And yet still it was better to know the skill than to face off with someone else who did when she did not.

“Perhaps one day you could show me how to use a sword.” It was more of a comment than a question or request, as if stating the weather. It was as if she was not asking by saying that perhaps one day he would, and like all other things that Nayru thirsted for, the knowledge would soak in and become part of her. “The basics I mean, I don’t think I am well fitted for swordsmanship.” The weapon was still heavy in her lap, and her small self would never be very large. To wield such a large weapon seemed ungainly, but perhaps something smaller. Just to have. Just in case.


Gunna turn little Nayru into an Assassin

Her attitude intrigued him, but he passed it off as youthful ignorance. Features again softened somewhat as she fumbled clumsily with his sword her questions coming few and far between. Already the girl analyzed way too much, he could see it in her soft gentle features. Her form already was growing fast but he guessed that she wouldn’t ever grow into a structure big enough or strong enough to wield such a weapon and her response echoed his own observations of the girl.

“What is it that you want to do with yourself? What you want to provide or purpose young Nayru?” his question came out during the soft moment of silence that had followed since her last reply. Saluce wanted to know, if she indeed wanted to know how to wield weapons of war then did she want to follow his path? Or did she just want to know out of curiosity or was it something else she planned to do with the knowledge she would learn from him? So far he was unsure but as he sat there his body again reached across a nearby table and pulled over to him a smaller version of the sword she held in her lap. It was the dagger he had kept that had belonged to his father. The behemoth unsheathed the small looking thing that was dwarfed in his massive paw like hand, the blade straight and double edged and amazingly simple.

“Daggers are much more personal weapons, With Sword you can hack and slice but with daggers you can shove through the heart of an opponent while feeling their breath upon your nose. Maybe a more delicate weapon for a delicate looking women?” it was a soft play on words to her, wondering if the smart little women would pick up on his intention and maybe understand what he meant by saying delicate looking women. Sometimes the most deadly where the most beautiful and unassuming of them all, and he had learned that lesson well. “The best time to learn is after you learn your ability to shift, it’s easier to retain muscle memory then while your body is getting used to walking on two feet. You will learn how to dance the dance of death if you are serious enough about learning or you will just end up with a shinny sharp object at your side that serves no more purpose then as an adornment to your attire” the last bit was spoke with a dead seriousness to his tone that he wanted the young one to know that it was up to her whether or not she learned how to use such a weapon.

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You don’t know she isn’t already. Saluce better watch himself! 550.

And then the question that Nayru asked herself constantly came forth from the male’s lips and Nayru pursed her lips as if to prepare for the words that would tumble out if she let herself speak all her thoughts. There were so many things that intrigued the girl, plants, other animals, reading and writing, and now these weapons had sparked something as well. It was impossible to tell where her heart would ultimately land when it jerked in so many different directions. Nayru knew better than to assume it would land on any one subject and the girl wasn’t about to limit herself either. Nor did she believe her specialty or specialties had to define her. All these things only came together to create her whole being and she would use each aspect to the best of her ability, it was the only way. Finally her gentle voice echoed in the know quiet shop. “I want to serve Dahlia, that’s all.”

That had been it all along, hadn’t it? The white lady of her dreams had always told her so, and as a child she had accepted the older wolf’s words without question, despite the fact that nothing about the lady was tangible or solid. Now Nayru knew this was truly her purpose, but just how she would serve Dahlia de Mai still eluded her. The black splotched girl felt she was too young to answer any more definite than that and so she simply smiled and shrugged, indicating that that answer would have to do for the male, whether he was looking for more or not. More would come, later. The answer would probably come after the actions, after Nayru was settled into her niche, and then she would be able to declare it out loud, for now all her potential just floated before her, waiting to be grabbed and gobbled up.

As he pulled out the dagger her eyes watched, following his movement. Smaller swords then, yes daggers. Nayru hadn’t even considered them, but such a tool would indeed be useful, even if a warrior she was not meant to be. If she followed her path to plants it could be a tool of cutting and chopping and mixing tinctures and medicines. If she was the diplomat it would serve as personal protection as she went from pack to pack, encountering whatever came her way. And even if no great job lay in store for her, it would be there, by her side, should ever a need arise. There was always the possibility she would take the lives of others, delivering death with her blood colored eyes looking on, but the option wouldn’t be there if she passed up any chances. Saluce was an apportunity now and one Nayru intended to make the most of. Suddenly she did wish to possess one, know how to use it and use it well. A delicate weapon for a delicate woman indeed.

Offering back the sword her eyes danced upon the dagger, a silent request to exchange the weapons. She wanted to hold the tiny blade in her hand, feel the weight of it, the way the handle felt if she wrapped her hands around the handle. “Teach me. I want to learn.” Her request couldn’t have been more simply stated.



Smooth blue eyes watched her yet again and her reaction to the dagger. He could see the spark in them that lit up as she saw it. The youth did have an affinity to a weapon and so as she wanted to trade, even though the practiced youth would never dare say it or so it seemed he understood what she meant. Silently the weapons where passed between the two of them. Saluce placed the sword back on the table next to its twin as he stood up in front of her.

“First lesson” his hand reached down to grasp the one holding the dagger. Most people would grab a dagger like a steak knife, no his hands made her grasp it in a different way. The blade was quickly forced into the opposite position blade sticking out from the pinky side of her hand. “Hold it like this. Now you can do more then not only stab but also slice” Saluce formed a hand to represent hers as he made a slashing motion with his arm to show her what he meant. “This grip allows for punches and a much more fluid fighting motion… like dancing” Saluce then motioned for her to stand as he walked to a clear space in the old run down factory.

“Holding the dagger at such an angle can hide it from the eyes of an attacker or defender so that they only see your fist if they aren’t paying attention. Moving with quickness and agility should be your focus, since you have to get up close to use such a weapon. Daggers are easily hid, and you will know soon enough the power of your charms upon the opposite sex. If used correctly you can choose to become a reaper in the shadows, assassin where cunning and trickery are your weapons as much as your dagger.” The wolf smiled then and stood with an arm behind his back the other motioning for her to try and come at him.

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Nayru clasped the dagger, rejoicing at the lightness of it. It fit neatly in her palm, but was quickly reversed into a different position. The girl allowed this, silently acknowledging she knew nothing about wielding a weapon of any kind, including the dagger. Silently she stood, her face solemn as Saluce wasted no time accepting her request. It seemed he took her serious and felt that there was never anytime like the present to begin a task, and for a few moments Nayru mimicked the motions he made. They felt strange at first, strange like she had felt upon first shifting. Slowly that oddness of the item in her hand fell away and it was as if she wasn’t holding the dagger at all, or perhaps that she had always been holding it. It felt easy and natural.

Yes, it was like dancing she decided. Dancing was something she enjoyed, often singing to herself and twirling about the room, coordinated and graceful. One must be coordinated and graceful here too, but it was all for a purpose and that made it more gratifying. Nayru soaked in all he said, although it did not all register. Her charms? She had none of those she decided, but quickness and agility had never been a problem for her and so mocking him she held the dagger as directed and was quickly before him, almost before he had finished speaking.

Had she been a true attacker her speed would have given her an advantage, but not only was the experienced warrior expecting her but Nayru could not bring herself to attack Saluce with true force. Once upon him she abruptly brought herself to a complete standstill, dagger poised perfectly behind her back but that was as far as she got. Nayru looked up at the male as if truly confused. There would never be a problem with her tracking someone down, stalking them, coming upon them like a wraith, but after that? She gripped the dagger tighter, as if doing so would give her an answer, but nothing happened, and so she waited for direction from the male, her tiny heart beating quick.


Little more God moding but nothing to harsh

Practiced orbs watched her attack and as expected she stood in front of him clutching the dagger behind her back. Some wolves instinctively knew what to do others had to be taught, while others still had to come to terms with what they were learning. Saluce’s form moved only slightly but in a flash his arm shot out at her throat with a forcefulness that would shake anyone to the core.

“I Did not say, run to me, I said attack me” Saluce spoke then with power as his hand gripped her throat. With a practiced grip he applied only enough pressure to make her uncomfortable; it was a part of the spirit of the action. To get her to fear, to get herself preservation to kick in, all the while he held her at arm’s length not allowing her shorter arms to have an attempt at his body.

“What will you do Young Nayru when you are forced into a position where you have to choose between your life or theirs? Any Hesitation at all and in an instant your decision means nothing for their blade is stuck in your stomach. You must have already decided their fate before you even meet them; you must be willing to use that blade for the purpose it was made for. You must be prepared to take death from people. Already you seem to have a good sense of tracking and stealth; with the right mindset no one would ever dare crossing you for fear of what you are capable of” His grip released her then, her form set free an arms length from him as his eyes burned into her.

“We are done for now, I want you to think on what I’ve said. If you truly want to know how to protect yourself and those you care about you have to be prepared to do what must be done.” His gaze returned back to his normal fatherly features as he studied her for a reaction.

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521 wc.

The older male grabbed her then and naturally she was startled, her heart pounding harder than ever. Yet fear still eluded her, her young mind simply accepted the fact that Saluce Trembley had her by the throat and there was very little she could do about it. Nayru had long ago convinced herself that there was nothing to fear within Dahlian borders, and even at Saluce’s unexpected attack she could not shake this belief. The girl didn’t think he would harm her, and the precise control he exerted upon her throat proved that theory to be correct, and so she did not struggle or make any sound. Instead she could only stare up at him, crimson eyes hard at her mistreatment, anger and hurt filling the gaps where fear should have been.

The message was not lost on her, it could have been someone else, anyone else, and then she would have been in real danger. The black splotched girl knew that, had known that, but this had just been practice. Nayru wouldn’t have attempted to attack anyone else, or if she had, surely it wouldn’t have been a fellow Dahlian. How could she be expected to throw away the loyalties she had recently discovered to be so strong? To drive a blade towards any of them, into any of them, was nearly unthinkable, even if it meant her life over their’s. Her life was their’s, it belonged to them, and if they saw fit to end it…

Who in the pack would force that choice upon her? Nayru still did not think the situation would arise; her innocence and naive trust in the pack overpowered the knowledge of free will by the individuals within the pack. Stepping back from the male, his dagger poised in her hand as if he might advance on her again, she moved backwards, not taking her watchful eyes from the male. Nayru did not think he would come at her, she only did this to show him he could not. Once returning to the table, she set the dagger down and wordlessly turned her back on the warrior, exiting the forge as unannounced as she had entered it.

Outside in the sunlight again she collapsed against the building, touching her neck where the male’s stronger hands had been moments before. Nayru thought then that Conor or Bris might be angry to hear of Saluce’s hard lessons with her, but she wouldn’t mention it. The fairy child had asked the warrior to teach her, and he had done so in the manner he felt suitable. Yet she had only meant that she wanted to know how to handle the dagger, and in a way she felt betrayed. Silently she sat there stewing, hurt that Saluce would play such a dirty trick, act truly as an enemy after she had been lulled into friendship. Well, he was still Dahlian so she could not fear him, but he showed her perhaps better than King had that she didn’t have to trust them. Nayru could devote herself to them, love them, protect them, but she didn’t have trust them.



Saluce tapped his chin as he watched her actions. She did on some level fear his actions but not the way he had intended. It was an exercise after all to help her understand just what he taught. If she wasn’t up for that task then he assumed she would never forgive him. He almost let her go without a word, but maybe it was the softening of his bravado, the wisdom that came with age, or the fact that he enjoyed having her around that forced his massive body into motion.

His form softly exited the compound to find her sitting grabbing at her throat and instantly the male became worried that he had hurt her. Intentions are always good but his actions if shown through another eyes would be terrible to comprehend to someone as young as she. No he wasn’t over ridden with guilt to save his pelt, no he was overridden with guilt that in some small way he had hurt her. True if she continued training with him she would be hurt more often but the look about her told him that his words and actions had triggered a response in her that hurt her mentally. This of course made the warrior feel much more terrible. Slowly the behemoth stepped toward her a gentle paw reaching down to lie against her shoulder as he bent down in front of her. The gentle, kind and caring Saluce stood there his eyes looking her up and down, their blue hue reflecting the guilt inside him. Finally that paw traced a line across her shoulder to under her muzzle to lift her gaze up to his.

“I am sorry Young Nayru. You are still young and learning the world. You can always trust me, if I am teaching you; trust that I am not putting you or myself in danger, and if you need me I am always here. “ Saluce smiled softly to the little women hoping he hadn’t hurt her to much before he offered his paw to help her stand.

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344. THE END.

A shadow fell over her and she did not raise her eyes to meet those of Saluce’s. She had looked into them when he held her throat but not after that. Whether it was a primitive canine submission or a psychological refusal to acknowledge him was unclear, but her eyes stayed downcast on the ground, giving no indication she heard his words through any expression, it was only her words that let him know she had heard. There was no anger in her voice, it was only softer than ever and more whispery, as if speaking too loud was painful, although truly she had suffered no physically harm. “I know you won’t hurt me.” Nayru wished to be clear about that, and in saying so she assured Saluce that he had not hurt her accidentally.

Nayru glanced at the hand on her shoulder, still expressionlessly, and gently removed it before sliding herself along the wall of the building, away and out of Saluce’s shadow. Slowly she rose, her crimson eyes focused at some point in the distance, away from Conor’s home and certainly away from Saluce’s forge. “Excuse me Saluce, I need to be leaving.” With light steps she moved away, tracing her path mentally out of Wolfville, towards the less populated end of Dahlia de Mai. Perhaps the tide would be weak enough that she could swim out to the island. Nayru had never done that before. There none of them would follow her, and she didn’t want to be around them so the idea seemed ideal. She couldn’t trust them, or so said the fresh wound, gushing emotions she didn’t understand fully, had no experience dealing with. Although… he had come out. He hadn’t let her leave without attempting to bandage the gaping hole. He cared at least that much and so she allowed the wound to start to scab. It wasn’t something she would pick at. It would heal, fall off and be forgotten by the time she let Saluce’s path cross her own again. They wouldn’t even mention it probably.


329-Thread can be Archived after this post

Standing as if he was unable to comprehend just what the young girl was wrestling with. Maybe he had been too harsh to cause such quandaries in her mind, he wasn’t sure. The next few days would decide how she reacted to the treatment. Maybe she would accept the lesson, learn and wander back to his little shop. She had a fire in her that he sensed, and he knew that soft little girl still have big decisions in front of her that would shape her future and interactions with others. She was leaving he nodded as he stepped back and meandered back to his shop door watching her as she left.

With a soft smile he conceded to the fact that she would be the first recipient of his labors. Little Nayru had a fascination with daggers and already his mind started working on a design for her. Fingers gripped a pen as he sat down at his drafting table. With practiced strokes the design slowly started to unfold out on paper. Adding in color with different markers he had scavenged from human remains he continued to work out a fitting dagger for a smaller hand, but one she could grow into. Finally after a few hours the drawing was complete.

Lifting up the sheet with a grin it showed three images. The first image detailed the sheath, the next the dagger itself and the third with the dagger seated in the sheath. The sheath was a mix of ornately engraved silver recessed with the deep colors of cheery stained to a deep burgundy. Tracing lined with his claw across the dagger it was double edged, straight and suited for slicing but much better at stabbing. A polished blade gave way to a silver Engraved Cross guard with an alternating silver and burgundy grip finishing with a Circle encompassing a cross hilt with red tassels floating down to add more of a feminine flare to the dagger.

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