Averaeshi (J)
Character Name: Averaeshi
Character Birthdate (including year): December 2007
Whether s/he is a regular wolf or a Luperci: Luperci Verto
Species: Half Arctic/Half Tundra Wolf
Gender: Male
A secondary form of contact (AIM, MSN, Y!M).
Initial post:

Averaeshi felt the sand underneath his paws as he once more encountered the edge of the Course des Miracles territory. He silently cursed himself for leaving when everything had been going so well. He had panicked like a fool, to afraid to accept that maybe there was such a thing as happiness, and now everything was ruined. Even if he was accepted into the pack again his reliability would be greatly reduced. But even the small taste he had of this place was enough to bring him back, consequences be damned.
When he judged he was close enough to the pack boundaries Averaeshi let out a howl hoping that one of the wolves he had met would recognize it and once again greet him. He could understand if he wasn’t accepted, as he had after all deserted his post most untrustworthy like. Still, if they were willing to reaccept him he would take whatever he got. It was his own damn fault after all for getting into this mess. He would just haave to wait and see.

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