[M] - Mood swing
373 {3 points}

The grass felt so soft on Layla’s back as she stared into Saluce’s orbs. The behemoth was right over her and staring right back at her. She watched him place his hands on either side of her and move his figure over top of her. The mistress couldn’t help but feel her heart pounding as he was getting lost in her gaze. He seemed intent on having her around and she was more than willing to be there for him. Layla was ready for him to take her in her arms. Then he mentioned visiting. Visiting was not really suitable. She loved being around with Saluce around having to leave him at the end of the day was sch sweet sorrow. The mistress’ hand moved up to his cheek and felt his fur as a grin crossed her face. ”Oh I mean to stay, that is if you’ll have me of course.”

Layla coun’t believe it; it was like a dream come true. She would be living with a male and one she adored so much. It was like being younger again and falling in love for the first time (then again it was her first time). When the behemoth mentioned it would be nice having her around to distract him. Perhaps it wasn’t such a bad idea. It seemed like the best thing for Saluce to keep him happy. The mistress watched as he moved his muzzle down and kissed across her cheek. She couldn’t help but giggle as he spoke. She raised her head up to his muzzle and returned the kiss. ”Oh I believe I know what I’m getting myself into.” With one more kiss she was taken. She was ready to leave and move in with him. She shared the palyful grin and her tail wagged with excitement. ”So then Saluce, when shall I move in? I can go get my stuff, there’s not much.” Layla was more than ready to just get up, grab whatever she could and come over. The mistress moved her arms and lifted her chest up to meet his head. As she took in the moment, she leaned her forehead on his and smiled warmly. ”Shall we get going then?”


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