[M] - Mood swing
*smiles more* WC: 708 {7 points}

Layla couldn't believe that Saluce was wagging his tail. She was so happy to go him to that point. Seeing the behemoth so happy made her equally as happy. The mistress felt him lean back onto the bed and her head on his shoulder. What a feeling it was to be laying with him. She could feel his heart beat and gentle fur as she gently laid down on him. Layla couldn't believe how her presence was making Saluce change his mood. He seemed like the kind of wolf who didn't need anyone around but it seemed he needed her more than he was letting onto. As she continued to stay against his body, she began to feel her eyes shut. It was like she could fall asleep with him any moment. She let her hair lay gently against his chest as her eyes closed for a moment.

As he mentioned that he would lay at her feet anyways, she shook her head once more, rubbing her muzzle gently against his shoulder. "No no it's fine Saluce. I don't mind. I feel like I could fall asleep right now, right here against you." She could feel his claws tickling at her. Giggles escaped her lips as she felt them. Was this really happening? How could Layla be sure that this was nothing more than a dream? Here she was with a kind and caring male and yet he wasn't even her mate. If this wasn't a dream she knew she'd be able to commit to him, but that was only if he was willing to be the same back. If he was uncomfortable with her being his mate then she was not about to push it onto him. The mistress opened her eyes and gazed to her male. She raised her body gently and rubbed her claws gently along his chest. After a bit of affection she lowered her body back against his. She gave her a gentle lick on his cheek before reaching her tail for his.

She was glad to hear that he had had cooked meats before. Seeing as the mistress was learning to get better at cooked meats, she would love for him to be the one to try them. It was also good that the behemoth wasn't picky on his food. She wouldn't mind stopping by his shop to bring him lunch, it wasn't like she had anything else to do in her life. His gentle touch continued to brush through her fur as she giggled. For the first time in her life she was happy to be with another male who wasn't her father. This was a wonderful feeling. She was at home with a non family member. Time was sure passing as she felt herself becoming a bit more tired. She wanted to take a nap but she wanted to get her stuff in place before she did. She gently pushed on the bed to get off and dropped down her stachel. She opened it and laid out her books, spices, and clothes. She remembered then that she left her one top outside. She would have to go back out and get it, but for now she'd rather get the stuff in her satchel organized. SHe knew she could put the spices in the kitchen, her books could go in the back room with all her herbs, and her clothes would just fit nicely into a closet. She laid her satchel in the corner of the room. The mistress turned to the behemoth and smiled. "I'll be right back dear. I left my top outside." With that, Layla left the room and went outside, gathering her top and returning to the room. She couldn't stay from Saluce too long. It was like he was sucking her in and not letting her go. The mistress retuned to her dearest male and laid at his side. It was as if she was more comfortable laying with him already. Her smile remained on her face as she leaned in to his muzzle. Now was the moment of truth. She gave him a gentle kiss near his lips and moved back. Her tail curled around near her back as she closed her eyes once more.


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