-300 words
BIG apology for the severe and ugly shortness of this post. Definitely not in my best light.

The pup's ears perked, as much as they could, when Niro started to talk about the knights. Something out of faerytales, the Knight was a hero. Someone to look up to. Someone strong, who helped the helpless. The idea was so fantastic in the pup's mind, arousing a smile from him.

"Kam wanna be a knight! I gon' be a knight like the other knight! Gonna be a strong knight!" He bounced in excitement, tail wagging from side to side vigorously. It was a wonderful idea! He could be a knight, when he got bigger, he was sure! The excitement invigorated the pup, all fear of the 'bad wolves' disappearing.

Hunting was a good subject for him to cross into, especially with Niro. As he explained he was the huntsman, Kambujiya paused to listen in his joy over the hope to be a knight. "You gon' teach me be a hunter toos? I think dat gon' be fun!" He giggled at the idea, pacing back to Niro and rubbing his shoulder against the older man's good leg out of affection.

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