300+ words

The gears in the pup's mind worked over and over about how he could be a Knight like the other one, who was revealed to be named Haven. He would have to get older first, he was sure, but it would be great. He would get to go from being some lazy puppy to a Knight, to someone who protected other wolves from scary things in the pack territories. It would fun, he was sure of it! "I'm sure you will meet Haven. He's everywhere." Though it wasn't a promise, he certainly used the reassurance to back up his hopes and dreams.

Hunting provided a good way to distract Kam, the topic encompassing his entire train of thought when it came around. It seemed perfectly normal to him that Niro would be a huntsman; he wanted to be a huntsman too, taking that moment to use Niro as a role model. The only thing he found strange were the birds. He hadn't been raised with any animal other than his siblings, and they were all wolves. The horses had been strange, but they served purpose. The birds were just...strange.

So he asked the questions that were on his mind. Why did Niro have the birds? Did he ride them like the others rode horses? The first answer was, of course, unsettling. "They can be scary, especially wild ones, which you should never ever go near." It meant that the birds might be dangerous, and he suddenly wondered where Marahute had gone again, not because he wanted to see her, but because he was anxious that she might try to eat him. As Niro continued to talk about the beauty of the birds and their freedom, Kambujiya kept watching the skies. Untile Niro's laughter eased his nerves. "No, I'm afraid not. There aren't any birds big enough for even a little wolf to ride, but I think that I would love them much more if I could." Kam giggled at the image, still uneasy but offering a bright smile to the older male. "That'd look funny!"

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