Long Lost (Leader nedded!)
// Sorry to make you wait as well! D: (and its a little short - was trying to get a reply up fast haha)

// Also, new layout makes your text hard to read. :3

It was only for a moment, but Overo saw something in the female's eyes as she scrutinized his every movement that made him recall how familiar she seemed. The shape of her muzzle, color of her eyes.. It was more difficult to force those thoughts away a second time. He wondered what it was she was thinking, her face recomposed before he could decide what it was, giving absolutely nothing away. Except of course that a thought was lying under the surface.

A grin tugged at the corners of Overo's lips as the female pointed out her claws. He liked her, lots of spunk. Almost all of the wariness disappeared from his face as his expression softened and he lowered his haunches to the ground. Though now sitting, he still kept his chin low, not completely lowering his guard.

Over always had difficulty admitting to himself that he hated being alone. If it weren't for that then he was perfectly capable of surviving on his own for a long time. Her offer was tempting, but in the back of his mind he couldn't help but wonder if it were too good to be true. Even so, he found himself wanting to say yes more than anything, but not knowing how. So, he tried a different approach.

"My name is Overo."

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