The Passion
WC: 408 {3 points}

Sanuye could see the flushed expression on the male’s face when he messed up her name. She smiled and shook her head as she felt the breeze on her skirt. ”It’s alright Niro. I don’t mind. It’s a bit of a complex name.” Once she was done, she leaned back on the tree and looked over to her guest. She could see that he was a bit lost in his thought as to what to ask her next. She closed her eyes and let him thing. She could smell the sweet scent of fall in the air and the sun’s warmth was slowly increasing as the day continued on. She opened her eyes again to look into the male’s jade eyes. Today was going to be a good day even though she was still feeling a bit nervous.

The topic moved back to her companion and how she met him. Sanuye smiled and looked back to the horse. She was so happy to have him with her and she was sure that he felt the same way about her. She was glad to hear about his friend named Heath. Perhaps he would be the one to help her find Niyol a companion to have a home. She knew he was wild and the coyote figured that a female horse would be the perfect companion for him. The hybrid turned her attention back to Niro and wagged her tail. ”He sounds really nice. Perhaps I could meet him sometime. He sounds like he knows a lot about horses. Perhaps he could help me find another one for Niyol. He seems kind of lonely.” The hybrid smiled before turning back and looking to her companion.

So it seems the male was from a nearby pack. Judging from the scent in the air, she must have been near his borders. She paused and looked around. ”Is this your pack’s lands? I’m sorry if I intruded. I didn’t know there was a pack here. Please forgive me.” There was a bit of panic in her voice and she was truly sorry if she intruded on his lands.

Sanuye watched the birds take their parts of the fish and smiled. She was glad that she could provide for the male’s companions. Once they were done, she would move her hands away and set whatever was left of the fish on the side. ”It looks like they enjoyed their meal.”

table by james.

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