Help Me Through Tomorrow

The lady turned and her ears fell back, and Pripyat stumbled back a few steps on uneasy paws. She seemed uncomfortable, although not unhappy, and he did not wish for his nearness to bother the lady. Yet she was polite and friendly when she spoke and asked if he needed help. Quite simply he answered her, his boyish grin plastered on his face. "Nope." Nope, no help needed here. Fortunately the conversation did not come to a stalemate for the lady asked a question that brought a burst of pride and excitement to the boy. Standing straighter he puffed out his chest, making him appear larger than his five months allowed for. "Yes! Jefferson is my father! Do you know him?" And then he stumbled, realizing that of course she knew him if she was asking about him by name. Pawing at the ground he averted his eyes in embarrassment, but it quickly passed and he glanced back up to her, his good mood returned in less than a second.

"I’m Pripyat!" And perhaps he was too friendly and straight forward, for he really had had no purpose in coming over to speak with the lady, but that mattered little now. They were already engaged and Pripyat did not like to analyze his social behaviors too much. The woman did not seem displeased to be speaking to him, so he continued on. "do you often take care of the horses miss?" He knew that at times Jefferson did, but of course others must pitch in too at times. He had never done it, but he had never shifted either. It was hard to contribute much to the care of beasts who were nearly ten times his size and weight. Although he grew increasingly larger, his form becoming more masculine and bulky, he was still very much a child. And it showed at times, not only physically, but also how he conducted himself. Although ever polite, it wasn’t always with tact that he spoke. "What’s your name?”


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