Help Me Through Tomorrow
AH sorry for taking just about forever. I am seriously slow with Prippy threads. Poop.

The lady’s laugh caused a rush of embarassment, but she was kind and he let it got easily enough. Everyone made mistakes and it was okay that she laughed at his, at least he hadn’t made a even bigger blunder—yet. Jefferson had given her this job? Pripyat sighed inwardly, wondering just what kind of jobs he would be assigned to when he was able to hold a real rank, after he had learned to shift… when he was a bit older. Pripyat couldn’t imagine where he would really fit in, but pleasing Mother was his biggest concern and making Jefferson proud was his second, so surely there would be some place for him. "Is it? It’s just my name. Adonia is pretty though.” She had complimented his name and so he felt it was only just to offer her one in return, although his words weren’t untrue. Adonia was a pretty name.

The lady asked him a question and Pripyat counted mentally from the time Mother had told him was his birthday. It was hard, as he didn’t really care or understand mooncycles, months or any way to tell the passing of time. The twelve month human calendar had been explained to him once, and after a long pause he unsurely answered the woman. "Five months.” That sounded about right he thought as he unconciously began to follow Adonia as she moved toward the barn. It was simply natural to follow the adult he was with, unless he really wanted to do something else. He didn’t. Adonia had his full attention just then. "I was born in June.” The extra information was just to be sure, hopefully Adonia could count the months and assure him he was right. Pripyay made a mental note that he would have to learn better how to tell the passage of time.

Inside the barn he watched as the older of the two put away her tools and began to dump out the water of the horses. How often was all this done? It seemed a lot more work than Pripyat had ever imagined went into keeping up the animals. "Is there anything I can do to help?”

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