Sometimes it feels just like I'm

Let's do this Jamesy and I'll get Melee going :3. WC: 402 {3 points}

Layla was still not herself even after meeting the loner in the cemetery where she had buried her dead pups. She wanted to go back, but something was holding her back. What if her mate caught her continuing to go back and got annoyed so much that he would call her pathetic. A few tears dropped out of her eyes at the thought as she wandered around her home. There was nothing much to do anymore and with winter soon coming she wouldn’t want to leave her home. All she could think around was keeping the fires warm and snuggling close to Saluce. The mistress was laying on the couch, just staring into space hoping something would happen. She wanted to leave the house but if she did, the only place she was seen going to were the graves of her pups.

Layla looked outside to the noon sun and gave a sift sigh. Here she was wasting her life away when she could be doing something more productive. The mistress forced herself off the couch and into her herb room. Her nose was instantly filled with the scent of her plants she kept here. She figured she would take some just in case she needed it. The black and white she wolf grabbed her satchel and proceeded to leave her home. She left a note to inform Saluce that he was heading out and wouldn’t be back until later. With that, she snuck out of the house and began to head to the only other place she felt a peace at, the beach.

Layla could feel the cold weather kicking in seeing as the sand was cold and surely the water was even colder. Thankfully there was no wind and the sun was at least providing a little heat to her, though her thick fur was covering that aspect quite well. The mistress padded along, expecting to find herself here all alone, but she noticed someone on the shoreline. He was tall for his size and all black. When the black and white she wolf got closer, she noticed it was good ol Gideon and it looked like he was working on something. Her arms hung sadly at her side as she approached the male. ”Hey Gideon… What are you working on…?” There was still the hint of sadness in her voice and eyes and waited patiently for him to reply.

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