Sometimes it feels just like I'm

sorry for the wait. SSWM: 434

Layla was sad to see that Gideon thought it was his fault that she was so upset. This was kind of the thing she was trying to avoid. She did not want to rub her depression off on anyone else. She closed her eyes from a moment and then opened them, going back to patching him up. ”No Gideon… none of this is your fault… I’m the adult… I should have been more cautious with the shark and you going near it…” She continued at her work, staying silent until the black male mentioned he was going to take the meat back and eat it. He was even kind enough to invite her along. She tried to smile but simply nodded to her friend. ”That would be very nice Gideon… Thank you…” She continued, though took a moment to look over at the shark. She was glad that it was dead now, though still sad that her dear friend got hurt in the process. She could not help but continue to blame herself for this mess.

Layla folded her ears down when Gideon yelped from the pain in his finger. She did not mean to cause him any more pain, but it was needed to help him heal from this injury. She held his hand gently just to check the splint when she was done applying it. She wanted to make sure it was going to help the finger heal. Once she was done, she sat down and laid her head down on her lap, keeping her gaze to the sand in front of her. She only returned her orbs to the black male when he asked her why she was feeling so bad. She understood that he was taking care of the pups, so there was no way he could have found out about her litter of pups. She began to speak but felt tears come out of her eyes. The black and white she wolf tried to wipe her tears away as she shook her head. ”No… Saluce did not do anything… It’s something I did…” She paused to try and calm herself down before she told him why she was feeling so depressed. She could not stop crying. She tried to speak clearly through her tears. ”I gave birth to a litter of dead pups.” She buried her face into her knees as she continued to cry. She could see the old memories of the moment coming back. She did not want to be reminded of that awful moment. She tried to make it go away, but it would not leave.

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