Secret Santa 2010
Character the set is for: Tayui Aston
Age: 7 years
Appearance: She is white with a light tan "skunk stripe" that runs from the tip of her nose to the end of her tail. Her left eye is a sky blue and her right is a somewhat-faded red colour.
Extras: That's it, really. Smile No signature for me please.
Specific things you'd like for your set? I'd really like the mood to be similar to the table Mel made me. She's got a lot of anger and a desire for vengeance, but is rather ashamed of it. She's trying to keep it quiet and does not want anyone to know. So there's a lot of inner turmoil for her. Smile

If you could incorporate these lyrics somehow, that would be great! Of course you don't need to use them all - as many as you need for them to remain in context ^^

"you got me locked in a paper cage
you think i'm chained up but i'm just tied down
step aside get out of my way
i won't hurt you i had enough being pushed around"

Also, no scroll tables please! I prefer medium to wide tables as well. Smile

Where should we send your Secret Santa Exchange Info when names are randomly handed out? PM!

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