Hello! Big Grin Good to see you around!
  • Username: As mentioned in the PM, we'll have to change your username! Nyx de Jinx, right? I'll fix that up for you in a second. ;o You'll login as "Nyx de Jinx" rather than "NyxdeJinx" from now on.
  • Age: As the others mentioned, a birthdate of April 18, 2010 would put your puppy at about 8 months. That's actually about 12 years old in human years. Also, we consider canines adults at nine months, so Nyx would only be a puppy for about a month!
    If you want a puppy, you'll have to go a bit younger. This chart might assist you in determining how old Nyx should be, and this page might help you, too! Remember, though, the minimum play age is 2 months. Younger puppies are not able to be played.
  • Age/Biography: Remember, too, that how old your wolf is will also partially determine their biography! A three month old puppy might be able to escape from their family, but they wouldn't be able to travel very far -- the journey would probably be too much for them to survive. A wolf of about five or six months would be able to more easily escape their home pack and they'd be able to travel a little more distance than a three - four month old puppy.
  • Species: 75% tundra wolf and 20% red wolf is fine; however, as the others mentioned, Maned Wolves are actually not able to breed with wolves or become Luperci; thus, hybrids of Maned Wolves aren't allowed here. Smile If you need a more detailed explanation, I'll be happy to provide! An alternative could be to have her mixed with coyote or even dog -- we have an extensive species guide that might help you out.
  • Appearance: Her appearance sounds just fine, but you'll just have to make sure her red highlights are a natural shade of red and not fire engine red. ;3 To achieve bright, unnatural colors, you'll need dyes.
  • Pack: You might find it helpful to have a gander at the Active Pack Summary. It lists some basic information about each of the packs and might help you to decide which is right. Big Grin
Also, YOU SHADOWPOSTERS. At least mine is organized, nyah!!! XP

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