Exploration of a new Beginning
ooc;; <33

She returned his formality of the phrase and he gave a soft smile. In all honesty there was rarely a smile on the young warrior's face- a scowl was the default setting. He had been conditioned to filter out the 'soft' feelings in his emotional repetoire. His default emotion was usually casual indifference and he often swift between indifference and disinterest. He never got excited, except when horny, and he almost never smile. The small smile he offered Nyx was a certain formality also- it wasn't genuine and it didnt reach his eyes. But it was there none the less and he knew he was trying. Like with his encounter with Attila- all he'd really wanted to do was bite him or tear his head from his shoulders but he had forced himself to be pleasent, kind of.

She retaliated on his comment about big bad wolves and he gave a silky chuckle in her direction. This was also a rare occurance and Teddy could feel sleep deprivation at the back of his mind. He heard her mention that she had been alone and it almost catipulted him back to his year as a loner. He had left after a nasty fight with Lochlan and decided to live on his own for a while. He had survived easily but he had still been on his own. No-one is ever truely a hermit in the canine world- wolves are pack animals and a wolf without a pack eventually withers and dies. So even though Teddy was strong he had needed a pack more than he cared to admit. Blue eyes glanced back down to Nyx and he nodded at her.

”I was alone too. And then Naniko found me and convinced me to be a founding member of Anathema.”

He stated. Teddy was never one to really reveal his feelings and he wasnt about to admit to a pratical stranger that despite being part of a pack he still felt alone. He didnt have friends, per say and the only person he really talked to was Demi and she was a little firecracker in herself. Sometimes he just couldnt deal with it. So despite being part of a pack, he was still very much alone.

word count;; 374



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