mother's crying blood dust now.

:} I hope this is logical! Given that all of the family of Sal's that Tayui knows don't share his surname, I think it'd be reasonable for her to suspect something and finally realize it now. Maybe there was chatter in JS, too -- GOSSIP! (306)

Tayui shrugged when Eris claimed she had nothing else to name herself. While Tayui knew this wasn’t true, she didn’t really want to get into an argument over something so petty. What bothered her was that Eris didn’t want to consider the thought that there might be something out there – some other name or symbol she could hold onto. Why did it have to be one family over the other? Why not both? Neither? Or some long-lost family member she didn’t know about?

However, Eris quickly revealed that she wanted that name. It was a name that had been cast away so many years ago due to the shame it had brought. It was not a name Tayui wanted to remember. Not after the bearer had hurt Fatin and even Shaeniire in a roundabout way. Shaeniire’s abandonment of her children by Salvaged had hurt Fatin in more ways than Tayui could ever know. She wondered if Fatin had ever forgiven Shaeniire, even after her death. Even after she had become Tayui’s mate. Fatin had given Tayui her blessing, but she still suspected that wasn’t the end of it. There was still that guilt she carried and that anger toward Salvaged. He was at fault for so much misery.

“It’s not a name I’d like to remember,” Tayui replied coldly. “You’re not reminding just yourself – you’re also reminding his victims. One of them was one of my closest friends. He…” she trailed off and then shook her head. “There are other names you could use. I knew one wolf, Vorrau… Vorr… Vorretsetsung? who was a family member of… his. Valerick Wick, too. Valerick was… one of Fatin’s.” Tayui frowned. “I don’t think Salvaged Eternity was his real name anyways. Wouldn’t that just be another entire sham if you take the fake name of a real dead man?”


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