there isn't a flag i'd wave.

January 2, 10 AM.



Vheissu had allowed himself four days physical and mental rest. One day he rested, the following he allotted to hunting, eating, and preserving what he did not eat, and the last day was also for rest. But now his small vacation was over, and his task resumed. Before dawn, the two-tone man was up and making sure his pack was full with supplies, kicked out the still warm embers of his fire, and headed north.

As the sun rose to meet him over the peak of the mountains, Vheissu absently wondered what day it was. The swift-footed coydog was nearly to his destination when he realized that it was already the second day of January. The previous year had ended without him even noticing. It was odd, finding oneself in a new year. He did not celebrate the arrival of a new year as many did, only registered its coming as a reminder, mocking him. Another year away from home. Another year without revenge. Another year with a dead father. The regret and sorrow that use to come with these thoughts had lessened every time they occurred to him, only to be replaced by something else. Something worse, perhaps, though that was subjective. Vheissu was ignorant of this transition though, and barely gave much thought to the topic at present. His mind was largely bent on getting to Anathema, the mountain pack.

The winter morning was almost over when he arrived at the foot of the mountain. Halcyon Mountain was the name, he had learned. The trees had abandoned him for the most part, leaving him with scraggly fields and an increasingly hilly incline. Vheissu kept up a constant speed, treading up, over, and between the hillocks of the valley. Light mist rolled off the mountain as the sun warmed it, leaving the ginger man with beads of moisture on his sarape. When he finally reached the borders of Anathema, the sun poured thin, watery light into the valley. Sunbeams hit and refracted off of Vheissu's poncho and made it look like his poor traveler's outfit was encrusted with diamonds. He took no notice, sending a businesslike coyote yawp up the mountain. Knock knock.


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