But he'll always be a problem

But you know I like short posts so it is ok Big Grin

all the anguish you suppressed

Claudius nodded quickly as Liliana explained how to reduce the heat. It certainly made sense and he supposed they could easily dig up the covered logs with a stick to have them catch fire again. Though, for now, they wouldn’t need to do that at all.

“That’s r-really interesting-g-g,” Claudius replied. “My mo-other taught me a-a lot ab-o-out p-plants and t-t-tree-ees. She kn-e-ew low speech too, bu-ut I never understoo-ood it. She did sho-ow me how to… write,” he explained, and then added: “and read. That’s ho-ow I learned thi-i-is.” He gestured with one hand to the tub of dye, which had now been simmering for a little while.

Soon, the dye bath was ready for the wool. Claudius stood up and looked over to where Liliana was. He motioned to her with his hand as he walked over to the blanket. He examined it for a few moments, wondering what would be the easiest thing to do. They would need to both carry it to the tub, since it was rather large and Claudius didn’t want to risk dirtying it.


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