A Bitter Sweet Return
Alone. One word that describe her life. After her village was ravaged and her family destroyed she had nothing left. Wandering through forest that seemed to never end with a shade of midnight that never left her sight had been her life for so long now. Iris tilted her head up looking through the break in the trees. The full moon put the light, lost with the turmoil of time, back in her eyes and if only for a moment gave her a peace of mind. It was getting late the moonlight illuminated a snow lite path for her to follow. Like everything it was endless, like the silence of the night and the silence of her voice. She hadn't had contact with another in so long she wondered if she even had a sound anymore. She kept her ears alert and kept her eyes scanning around her. She was getting quite hungry and was looking for a place to sleep when daylight broke. Night gave her the perfect cover in the winter, her white fur with its cream highlights made her become the snow. Suddenly she heard a crack echo through the trees. She crouched low, flattening her ears straight back."I might just get a good meal after all!". she crept along the snow covered ground. She made no sound, her father had taught her well. She remained in her Lupus form, no need to go big for a small creature, since those were the only animals that remained out at this time night. As she followed the footsteps and edged closer to her prey she smelt that it was not a rabbit at all. "Why on earth would someone be out so later?"

She approached the sound with caution the smells of other wolves thick in the air. Finally she had reached the source of the sound and the only thing that stood between the two of them was on thick tree trunk. she counted to herself, One, she took a breath, Two, she planted her paws and and cleared her mind, Three! she sprung from behind the tree and tackled the wad of white fur and crushing it with her teeth, once she tasted blood and she let her thoughts return. Oh! she was surprised but happy, Dinner!! she said static and relieved."You scared me little one!", she laughed talking to the limp fur mass as she placed it on the ground. She smile, couldn't remember the last time she had felt anything, one little shake up to the nothingness had given her an emotion. Then reality hit, she had smelt wolves, but there were none present, for now. she was at a border, and if she was found it would be trouble. "Time to eat and run Iris" she thought to herself, "Get your senses back time to stop dreaming. There isn't one thing to be happy for. Get a move on it". With that she picked up her Dinner and started and resume her search for a place to rest her head for a moment if anything.

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