Kid, did you make it?
Tired of hearing the crunch of his own feet in the snow, he longed to reach his destination. He knew he was almost there. All his mental markers said it should be within site soon. He was ok with being in the elements, but this was different. He recently ‘failed’ and to accompany the failure was a blizzard. He was new to the souls area and so far it has been riddled with problems and issues. Nothing would go as planned, nothing would go smoothly.

He sighed, heavily. He was relieved somewhat. Sighing a week ago would’ve hurt. His wounds were finally starting to heal. Some scratches in his upper back. Claw marks, but considerably smaller than that of a wolf. There were a few smaller marks on his forearms as well; those now just were missing some hair.

Things from the meeting point were starting to come in view. His pace quickened in his excitement. He loved his sister. The only person in the world he fully trusted in. It wasn’t just a blood bond, he didn’t trust in his mother, and especially not his father, this much. They were connected in like-wise thinking, attitude and a bond that only could be created from where they came.

A smile appeared on his face. He could see his sister. His pace quickened but was not a full out run. He was too tired for that. He had no pack, but he carried something. His own travels were not a total failure and he had a gift for his sister. From a distance she could probably tell it was some type of leather working, which was common for Argul. That was his main trade and profession. On his belt his pouch bounced against his hip as he half-jogged to Nuki.

Once in vocal range he called out to her. “Sister!”

Upon reaching her, he threw his arms up for a hug. This was a bit uncommon for him and probably threw her off guard. But he was relieved to see her. It brought some normalcy to him. He wasn’t exactly right in the head, all of the time. But his sister was a light in the darkness to him.

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