I feel safe

sorry for the wait. shall we backdate this to the night the storm is ending?

Xeris was resting and pretty much had been doing so non-stop since the accident at the barn. She felt guilty for causing Jefferson to strain his scarred body to rescue her, but was thankful that he had been there. Her head throbbed with pain, the gash across her forehead still red and raw. Gradually, much of the pain had subsided, but it was still there and probably would be for a while.

The white wolfess opened her eyes wearily at the sudden addition of extra weight on the bed. She looked up at Pendzez, her golden eyes meeting his red ones, and gave a weak smile. "How is it out there?" she asked, referring to both the weather and the level of damage done to the territory. The barn and the ranch house probably weren't the only things affected. She knew that there was a bit of damage done to the cabin, but not enough to knock it down completely.


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