One Man Caravan
Thanks for joining hun. Sorry I ended up being slow despite my wanting a quick thread. Had to deal with bank screwing with my moneys and trying to figure out how to pay cable bill and get food in the house at the same time. But yay auto-acceptance!; 710 words

Imacai wasn't certain what to make of the place exactly. It had been awhile since he had lived in a pack. Then again when he had been in Eterne he had lived with family. And well, in Barbados he had been with family as well though it had that less than permanent feel to it as it had in Eterne. There were times that he just couldn't stay in the certain place for too long. Not when he was taking from others to make his own. After all with all of their possessions having been taken from them they had to steal back to buy passage on the ship that was headed north. The female that was with him now had traveled with him from Barbados. Actually she had helped him to gain passage on the ship. The least he could do was to bring her along.

When they were approached he glanced over to the female that he had traveled with before looking back to the female that had approached. "Mornin'. How you?" He returned the greeting in a fashion and climbed down from the wagon. He glanced to the load that he had carried with him then back to the female again. He chuckled and shrugged some before speaking up again. "Jussa bit." Not that what he had brought with him could be seen. He had made sure to keep all on his possessions hidden after his first batch had been stolen from him. Now others just thought him odd for carting around jars of dirt. Or well jars of dirt with a penguin in it. "Jussa minute." Whether he was talking to Sage or the penguin was uncertain. Either way he climbed up up onto the wagon to be able to reach the penguin to pull out the blue and white feathered animal from the jar so that he could stroke the feathers and check on his pet. Finding no injury he figured that it was just food that was a problem.

"Dere fish?" He asked as he looked back to Sage, motioning to the body of water. "Small fish? After all the full grown penguin was only a little over a foot tall. The little guy couldn't really go for the big fish. Not if the fish were bigger than his small body. He placed the penguin back down into the jar of dirt for now. After all he had to wait to see if he would be allowed to let Tybalt fish before letting him go.

"Dat Inferni?" He repeated and glanced out over the land. At least he now knew the name of the place. He leaped back down from the wagon as the female introduced herself. "Sage." He repeated her name as he moved around behind her so that he could drop down to his knees in order to try and attempt to sniff as her behind in a truly canine like fashion. He had a name and now he just needed a scent to go with that. "Imacai." He gave his name after scent harvesting and remained on his knees though he ended up placing his hands on the ground so that he could present his rump in order to make it easier for the gesture to be returned. "Dat Sessane." He introduced his canine companion and pointed in her direction.

After the introductions were taken care of he stood up again. He once again glanced out over Inferni before giving Sessane a questioning look. There seemed to be some sort of unspoken communication going on between them. "Yes an' no. Sista done guh an' git loss. You see?" He doubted that Xochime would be found so far away but you could never tell. "I come see wuh I see. Fin' wuh nort an' tell brotha an' sista 'bout." So he was searching for someone but not actively searching either. He'd also been sent out too early to complete what it was he had to do. So while he wished to complete that he wasn't at the age to do it just yet either. He still had a few months before he could work on completing his Ehecatl journey. Though he supposed that he could look for prospective parties for that still.

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