not so easy to forgive, harder to forget

wc: 321

He shouldn’t blame himself, she said. Ehno wished that it could be that easy. With all that had happened, he knew that he could hardly convince himself otherwise. Naniko’s words on the subject of their daughter came from her own experience with such trauma, he knew. If anyone was aware of what Rio must be going through, it would be her mother. He recognized the truth in her words, feeling suddenly powerless. There was still nothing Ehno could do to change what had happened, or help the girl get over it any easier. “I hope she’s alright,” he said. And within those words was the unspoken desire that the wounded girl would return to them. While their family situation was far from ideal and likely never would be, considering the tensions still harboured by the Marino, he felt that she would be better off with those who loved her. If only her sisters were around as well to provide their support.

He knew he shouldn’t worry about them. Ehno himself had been unable to resist the allure of travel during his youth, using his ventures to learn and shape who he had become. His girls could handle themselves. Hadn’t they already proved that after their mother left, and they remained behind in the Valley pack? Harlowe had been the only thing complicating that, it seemed, and there would be no more trouble from him. The thought had a bitter tang to it. He nodded in agreement as she expressed her wish that their daughters would come home. A beat laughter, he found himself releasing a short, self-deprecating laugh. “I can’t help but worry for them. I shouldn’t, they’re grown wolves. They can take care of themselves. But there it is.” He shook his head. Hell, with all that had gone on in their lives and what splendid role-models the two of them had been, he supposed he couldn’t really blame himself.


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