Souls charries based on....?
Saxif was originally based off me. Grew up on a reserve where I didn't really agree with the religious beliefs. I was considered "rich" even though I would be considered middle-class. Eventually I left and have become very in-touch with the traditional native american ways. Her younger self is more or less me. Then her angered self is my pent up anger that I never show. Slowly though she is just becoming her own slipping into something built off threads.

Inrik is just something I thought up after seeing a video on blacksmithing. I thought the idea was cool but his character is missing something so I was unable to proceed forward.

Xyza. I always was interested in writing for a character who has DID. But I also wanted to create a bag-lady or hoarder of some sort with the belief in the beyond. I incorporated the two and hope to get started with her.

Bojangles was the creation of mine and Tawny's babble. He is based off all the perverted old men who oogled my boobs and tried to pick me up when I was 16.

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