Souls charries based on....?
the thought of emma walking on her front paws is adorable omg

Anyway, my characters aren't really based off anything? With a couple of exceptions, I guess, and of course subconsciously they might be based off something. xDD

Skoll is based off that stereotypical high-school-jock-with-a-heart-of-gold, football player on honor roll sorta kid. He's probably gonna grow up to be a ladykiller, aawwww man. Hoping he'll evolve to be more than that archetype obviously, haha.

Vesper is who's really interesting. For most of my roleplaying career, I've been completely unsuccessful at making a good female character. My solution? I took the personality of a male character from the story I'm writing and made him a lesbian werewolf. 8D So she's a Raze-character based off a Raze-character, yeaaaaah!

What's most interesting is how she evolved, really, from being his personality in a new body and environment. Her backstory is also the same as his, but their emotion toward their history are emphasized on different aspects (she's caught up on Juniper and killing Oliver, while Vell's freaked out about his dad and sister even if he tries to hide it). She began as less mature than Avellander, more prone to being an arrogant bitch and reminiscent of how he was before the beginning of the story (being an arrogant, aloof bastard). However, she's ended up maturing in roleplay, but in just enough of a different direction than him that makes her a fresh character! Yay!

Both are scarred ladykillers, yarrrrr. ;3

And I guess Wilson's name was based off a doctor and a volleyball. lololol

EDIT: Actually... One more thing. xD While Levent's personality was based off an older character of mine... he was inspired by someone else x3

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