Souls charries based on....?
Terra was based off several things. Anansi the spider, Brer Rabbit, El-ahrair-ah from Watership Down, Loki, and an actual native deity called Coyote, who she actually worships and tells stories about (the stories are made up as i have a lousy memory for actual folklore). One day I'm gonna give her an alias to match Loki and his fire, since so much of her darker spirited tricks come from him.

I hate to say it but...Amy Sunders is my temper personified. All those horrible things you imagine doing when losing your temper? That's her. Luckily it's very rare for me to lose my temper, so Amy stays in the game and out of real life XD

Dalgina is based off children in general with their innocence, naivety, and wild imaginations. Her being an artist is a pure creation of my jealousy of those who can draw, so made a character who can do what I can't. You could say she's more of an idea than anything else.

Hadley's personality is actually based off how he was originally portrayed when still a preybot character, before I took him in and made him Amy's playtoy. He has since evolved, very strangely, considering how he was supposed to be adopted by someone other than me (I caved after Sebastian made Hadley so intriguing I wanted to play him myself XD)

Adelle is still being figured out, but she is actually partly based off Skoll with his wish to grow up and be a warrior and be like his dad. Adelle's hyperness is her own, as is her attitude, but her devotion to her grandfather is definitely Skoll based. The wish to be a warrior was based off Regner.

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