Souls charries based on....?
Axelle ... is really based off myself and what I would want myself to form into someday Wink

Rio... kinda had a set personality that I morphed into myself kinda... she's based off of my shy awkward side (the one i try to hide most of the time and replace with crazy Sammie aka Axelle bahaha) Though she does have some of her own attributes as well - extremely polite, housewife kind of personality. She'd made a great mother someday, despite all the problems she's dealing with O.o

Tyko... just kinda getting a hang of his crazyness. I started souls with a male character, which I didnt exactly have a plan for how his personality would form, so that failed. BUT Tyko .. is going pretty well. He isnt all the thing I originally planned for him (INSANE being one of them!) butttt.... he's sticking to most of it. SOMEHOW I have to incorporate his episodes (alternative personality disorder stuffs) into more of his posts... Not too good with adding voices into peoples heads anymore >.<

Anddd his slave Abella (NPC) is basically your average respectable slave. She doesnt talk out of turn and shes completely loyal - for now.

YEP. That's all I got.

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