I Am Your Friend... And Therefore I Care..
At Jace's voice Ookami perked his ears. He nodded his head, "That is a very good idea." If he could write it down himself he would, but Ookami didn't know how to read or write. He chuckled to himself. Of course he didn't know how to do either. If he knew how to do one he knew how to do the other. The thought was simple in his mind. Ookami thought about Jace's other comment, "Hmm.. I'm not quite sure. I am sure he will at some point. It would probably be a long term member of the pack.. Perhaps Ty?" He thought for a few more moments, he wasn't really sure who Jefferson would pick to be a subleader. If he picked a new subleader.

At the sound of Jace's voice Ookami pushed all his thoughts away. "Sure, a walk would be lovely." He grinned. He hadn't really had a lot of one on one time with Jace for a while. He missed talking to her and spending time with her. He loved Jace. Not in the way that he loved Adonia though. He loved Jace as a friend. To Ookami the two were close, he didn't know how Jace saw him as a friend though, either way as long as she thought of him as a friend he didn't care. He felt like he could tell Jace anything that he needed or wanted too...

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