Eating sea biscuits and drinking red rum

Caspa felt his eyes on her in a suddenly more attentive manner, and unconsciously ran a hand over her long plaits, which were all still pretty much in place. The way they held back her ears was useful, but she wasn't sure if there was really any benefit to her appearance, which was odd enough without the braids plastering her ears to her head. She had never had much spare time to think about her clothes and looks. Everything about her was functional in design, the only thing for show was the pendant on her neck. Denver had those lovely little curls in his fur, the kind of which she'd never seen before, and that bright but tasteful scarf, attractive soft-looking clothes. He didn't look right here in this dusty room, but Caspa thought she probably didn't look right anywhere. The thought didn't concern her too much, though.

His words about the pack reminded her of something. Oh so that was the meaning of 'Cour' - a version of Court. This must be a kingdom, of a sort. She hadn't met the leader yet, or many of the other members, but perhaps they didn't mingle with the commoners. The idea amused her a little, because there wasn't exactly throngs of canines here. The royalty must have very few people to talk to. But of course, she was only speculating. "Yes, I have met only wolves, but there are many here I haven't met yet. The hotel seems grand enough," she commented. "I came because I had to leave my home; I was miserable. It was hard to travel in the wintertime. I almost starved. Then this was the first place I came to." Her explanation was rattled off in an even tone, quickly because there was something more interesting preying on her mind. "Why are you looking for a Kingdom?" she asked, her voice a little more lively with honest curiosity. "Are you a King?" That would explain the proud bearing.


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